Chapter 7 : The Tears Of The Gods

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Slightly shorter chapter this week, but think of it as a filler chapter! Again, I want to apologize for the delays! I've scrapped this chapter so many times.


Cinder awoke, her eyes immediately landing on the simple white ceiling above her. She had been excused from the hospital two days ago, thanks to Jay fighting Agni. She sighed to herself. The hospital had strictly forbidden her from partaking in any Dark Arena matches, much to her displeasure. Despite being an Agency member, the Agency required it's members to have a day-time job in order to assume more realistic roles. Her missing out on matches meant no extra money for herself.

Cinder then leaned upwards, sitting upright in her bed. She yawned, rubbing her eye and stretching her left arm to the ceiling.

After dressing herself and using the bathroom, she exited her house and made her way towards the Dark Arena. Although she was forbidden from participating, she could always watch the matches. And she knew for a fact that Jay had a match that day. Although she didn't have confidence in him, his next opponent brought worry to her.

Ares, The God Of War.


"Are thou feeling nervous, my dear Jay? That is unlike you! Ha-ha!" Odin shouted while slapping Jay on the back.

"Nervous? My match isn't for another hour." Jay calmly replied. The two were in Jay's two-story house, sitting in the living room next to each other.

"That is good! All is well then!" Odin shouted as he slapped his knees and stood up from his position. "However, you know that I do not merely visit you for no particular reason."

"Of course." Jay replied.

"Jay, my young lad... I want you to listen to me very closely." Odin began as he held his hands in front of himself.

"I have found your parents."


Cinder looked around the stands, turning her head left then right. No sign of Jay in the stands, nor was he in the waiting room. his match was in ten minutes and yet he wasn't even in sight. Was he going to be late? Any fighter late to a match would be instantly disqualified.

"Greetings, Miss Fall." The fighter named Loki suddenly whispered in her right ear. Cinder's fist suddenly slammed into his cheek, pushing him back several rows. He had surprised her, considering that she was looking for Jay.

"Must one be so rude? After all, I am only here to convey the information you asked." Loki said as he reappeared next to her. His real name was Lucas Kayne, a man who was once a mercenary for hire. His semblance allowed him to create a clone of himself while allowing him to turn invisible. In the arena, he normally wore his black lightweight armor made of an unknown fabric that covered his entire chest and back which was placed over his plain white t-shirt.

"Convey the information then, Lucas." Cinder calmly replied, turning her head back towards the arena.

"Jay Cruel, otherwise known as Zeus in the arena, was orphaned at the age of two." Loki began before Cinder cut him off.

"I already know that. Get right to what I asked you." She commanded.

"Rather rude, aren't we?"

"Which of us is paying the other?" Loki sighed at this.

"Very well, Miss Fall. Other than Odin Branwen, his parent's current location is unknown." Loki stated. Cinder snapped her head back towards his direction.

"What did you say?"

"That his parent's current-"

"No, not that. About Odin."

"That he's a Branwen?"

"Yes. That he's a Branwen."


"Your parents are buried in Atlas. According to the records, they both were found dead last year with lacerations covering their bodies. They were found in a forest outside Atlas walls, which most likely means the nasty creatures of Grimm killed them." Odin said as he locked gazes with Jay.

"So they're dead. Alright." Jay replied, calmly standing from his place on the couch.

"You are... not shocked?" Odin asked as Jay walked towards the front door of his house.

"I never knew them anyway." He replied before walking through the door. "Lock it when you leave."

Odin shook his head at this.

"Aye. It seems you still prefer to hide your emotions from others." Odin said to himself as he locked the door and exited Jay's home.

Unbeknownst to Jay, Odin saw the tears falling from his eyes before he had even left his home.


The Seductress : A Cinder Fall AU!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin