Chapter 6 : The Plan Of The Gods

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A/N I am such a bad author. I couldn't update this on Tuesday. Henceforth, this story will no be updated on Wednesdays. Please forgive me and continue reading!

The lightning bolt that struck Jay intensified, creating a sharp shockwave that pushed Agni to the floor. The Acceptor Of Sacrifices was launched from his place before tumbling to a stop. He quickly launched himself to his feet before Jay suddenly appeared in front of him, his fist crashing into Agni's face and sending him flying once more.

"INCREDIBLE! IT SEEMS ZEUS, OUR 'ROOKIE KING', HAS NOT YET BEEN DEFEATED!!! THE BATTLE- RAAAAAAGES- ONNNN!!!!" The announcer's voice echoed through the large stadium as Agni returned to his feet.

"So it seems your true power has been hidden until now." Agni's deep voice said through his mask. "A shame that it will not influence the fight all that much."

An image of Artemis lying in an open coffin at her funeral suddenly sprang to his mind. The image angered him.

"That won't happen. Not as long as I'm alive."  Jay thought to himself as he suddenly dashed forward once more, spinning his body in mid-air and attempting to slam his knee into Agni's temple. The second-ranked fighter easily lifted both of his arms and blocked his leg.

Jay jumped away from Agni before quickly using his semblance to create a bow and arrow made of electricity. He then fired three arrows before transforming the bow into a sword and charging behind the arrows. Agni quickly activated a flame-like aura that knocked the arrows away from him before jumping forward with his fist covered in flames. Jay's electric sword collided with Agni's burning fist, creating an explosion that once again covered the entire arena in a black smoke.

Despite the smoke being present, the crowd could still hear the loud sounds of impacts coming through the black haze.


Ozpin smiled as the sounds of impacts echoed throughout the arena, drowning out the roar of the crowd. He was sitting at the top of the arena, in a rectangular box illuminated with a plain yellow light. The box was a room only for Ozpin and any special guests that may have attended the battles. Someone came and tapped on his shoulder, whispering in his ear for Ozpin to do something about the smoke and that many others were annoyed and that many wished for the smoke to- Ozpin waved him off before signaling to an assistant on his left.

"Tell the Arena Guards to dispel the smoke, nothing more." Ozpin replied. When the arena guards dispelled the smoke, Ozpin was shocked to see the outcome of the match.


With the smoke surrounding them, Jay had several moments where both he and Agni were concealed from the viewers.

"You held back in that last attack." Agni said as both he and Jay stood apart from each other.

"Of course. I needed to talk to you and creating a smokescreen from the explosion created by our strikes." Jay replied.

"Had you not held back, I would have lost do to underestimating your newfound strength. Alright,  I will listen to your request. However, Ozpin will likely instruct the guards to dispel the smoke within several minutes. I suggest you talk while we pretend to clash so the audience is kept on their feet." Agni replied. Jay nodded before charging at him half-heartedly.

"Artemis is in the hospital." Jay said as he and Agni took turns blocking each other's strikes.

"And?" Agni asked.

"If I lose, she won't get the medication she needs."

"Are you asking me to lose the match on purpose?"

"No, I'm asking for us to have a draw. Knock each other out."

"I see. With a draw, my position as the second-ranked fighter will not be in jeopardy and the fight cannot be counted as a loss. Nor a win. Are you sure this is your supposed option?" Agni asked.

"I am sure." Jay replied. Agni took this into account, then after a second of thinking he nodded his head in agreement.

"As the so-called 'Acceptor Of Sacrifices', I would be shamed if an innocent life was lost due to my pride. Alright, God Of Lightning. I will agree to a draw." Agni replied as the smoke suddenly dispelled.


Ozpin watched as Agni and Zeus's fists crashed into each other, creating an even larger explosion which knocked them both unconscious.

"L-Ladies and Gentlemen, the outcome of the match is.... a draw." The announcer said, too shocked to even continue shout-casting.


Jay awoke sometime later in the infirmary. His eyes opened to reveal the white ceiling above him, however without even glancing around the room he knew that Ozpin was seated near him.

"Impressive fight. You and Agni were, surprisingly, evenly matched." Ozpin said as he stood from his seat and entered Jay's vision.

"Artemis?" Jay asked as he sat up, shaking his head.

"Given that you did not lose nor win, I was at odds with whether or not if I should continue with our deal. However, given that the fight was absolutely loved by every viewer, I gave enough money for Artemis to have the procedure."

"Thank you, Ozpin."

"Don't thank me. Not yet." Ozpin replied as he exited the room.


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