Chapter 4 : Artemis, Goddess Of The Hunt

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A/N I is bad author. I missed the updates two weeks in a row. I'm SORRY

Cinder smiled as she easily dodged the swing of a sword from the fighter named "Bellona, The Goddess Of War." The fighter named Bellona held a confusing look: long, dirty blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, a roman gladiator helmet atop her head followed by loose yet effective golden armor. In her hands was a shield and sword combo, not to mention the curled-up whip at her waist. Also, Bellona was left handed as the shield was in her left hand and, oppositely, the sword was in her right.

Cinder did multiple flips backward, creating distance between the two. She then drew two arrows from her sheath and fired them at Bellona. The arrows clattered to the ground as Bellona merely rushed forward with her shield, smacking the projectiles into the ground.

Cinder quickly pressed a button on her bow, transforming the long weapon into two swords. She then charged Bellona as well, dust kicking up behind her as she ran. Bellona quickly slashed with her sword, only to have the slash be blocked by Cinder's left sword. Then, Cinder quickly barraged the shield-arm, forcing Bellona to take several steps back in order to keep from being knocked off her feet. Cinder then jumped back and reattached her blades together, recreating the bow and firing three quick arrows. Bellona, however, easily knocked the projectiles out of the sky with her shield. She smirked as the last arrow fell to the floor. Bellona then charged Cinder, swinging her sword and breaking Cinder's bow in half. However, the bow had not been broken in half by Bellona's swing but Cinder's hand. She quickly grabbed her dual-blades in the air while dodging out of the way of Bellona's sword, then slammed the back of the blades into the back of Bellona's head.

Bellona then turned around, unfazed by the head-bash, and slammed her shield into Cinder's face, knocking her down. Bellona's sword then appeared just above Cinder's throat.

"Concede." Bellona said, smirking. Cinder smiled in response, her hand gently lifting itself into the air.

"I concede." She said simply.


Cinder had sheathed her swords once again, calmly walking down the dark tunnel from the arena. Bellona's words came through her head once more.

"That was a splendid fight! The best I've ever had!"

Cinder smiled. Of course she was going to lose. It was all apart of the plan. In front of her, several feet away, stood Zeus. He was looking at her defeated figure, the fresh bruise on her cheek from Bellona's shield bash. Cinder twiddled with something in her back pocket before pulling out a small syringe.

"Nice fight." Zeus said simply.

"Thanks." Came Cinder's exhausted reply.

"It's a shame you lost." Zeus said to which Cinder smiled.

"Perhaps it is." She said as she fell forward, losing consciousness.


Jay entered Artemis' hospital room, having knocked earlier. Cinder was unconscious, sleeping smoothly. The nurse, whose name was Kaya Lenor, was taking count of Cinder's vitals when he entered.

"Are you a family member?" Nurse Lenor said without even looking at him.

"Just a friend." Jay replied. The nurse nodded her head at this.

"Visiting hours are almost over, but I'll allow you two a moment of privacy." Nurse Lenor said.

"You don't have to, I won't be here long."



Jay quietly closed the door to Cinder's hospital room, releasing his twist of the knob.

"Zeus, The God Of Lightning. It has been quite a while, if I do recall." A male voice said behind Jay. Once Jay had turned around, his eyes instantly locked on the silver hair the male had.

"Headmaster Ozpin." Jay replied. When Jay had first auditioned for the "Dark Arena", he had unknowingly been interviewed by Ozpin himself. Ozpin was the leader and coordinator of the Dark Arena, scheduling all of the matches and over-seeing every fight.

"I see you've visited Artemis. Most likely, you've also been told of her condition." Jay nodded at this.

"Which is why I have a proposal: I want you to participate in tomorrow's main match and win. Do that, and I'll ensure that Artemis survives no matter what." Ozpin stated.

"And why are you offering me this?" Jay replied. The Headmaster smiled at this.

"Because of your opponent."

"Who is?"

"Jay, you should know that the Dark Arena does not give away match information prior to the match."

"Except the main match of the night." Ozpin's lips curled up into a smile.

"So, you were listening. Alright, your opponent, should you choose to partake in my offer, would be Agni, the Acceptor Of Sacrifices." Ozpin replied.

"The second-place fighter?" Jay asked.

"Correct. The only fighter that has matched Ares, our champion."

"And if I deny to partake?" Jay asked again.

"Then Artemis may or may not survive."

"Why are you putting her life in my hands?"

"I am not. She may or may not survive. If you partake, I will personally ensure that she survives. So? What is your response?"Ozpin asked.

"... Deal."


Cinder was always alone. Her father and mother were killed by robbers, her older siblings disappeared shortly after only to turn up dead some time later. She was the youngest, which meant that she was alone at a young age. Given that she couldn't work and didn't want to live at a shelter, her only option left was to steal. And that she did. Every day, every meal, every piece of clothing.

And then she was picked up by the agency.

And her whole life changed.

She suddenly had everything she could dream of: clothes that were hers, food at a beckon, a place to live comfortably, enough money to send a chunk of cash to orphanages around Vale.

She had everything except a family.

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