Chapter 3 : Ares, The God Of War

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A/N : Sorry about this late update!!!! This story is supposed to be updated every Tuesday, however I was sick for four days including Christmas. Please excuse my tardiness. (PEMT)


Matt had always hated his name. Mathias Rockvale, otherwise known as Ares, The God Of War. His father, the previous owner of the name Ares in the Dark Arena, had given him the name "Mathias". He and his father were never on good terms, even more so when his mother passed away when he was the age of 16. To be quiet honest, Matt hated his father. He was abusive, power-hungry, and sinfully manipulative. He had forced Matt into training when he was only six, brutally beating him down yet also understanding that Matt was still very young. In that regard, His father was great. He thought Matt everything he needed to know about fighting, whether Matt had wanted to or not.

But he still hated his father.


"THE GOD OF WAR PREVAILS! THE GREEK KING RETAINS HIS THRONE!!!!" The announcer had shouted after Ares had defeated a fighter named Apollo, The God Of Light. Suddenly, Ares could feel a familiar gaze, one of which he wished to never witness again. Unconsciously, he turned his head towards the direction he thought the gaze was coming from, only to lock eyes with his father, Leonardo Rockvale. Matt clenched his fist in anger.

The look on his father's face was a proud one, and that angered Matt.


Matt wiped his face with the wet towel, quickly moving the damp cotton around his face then down to his chest. He had taken his shirt and battle armor off, but left his shorts on. In the Men's changing room, it wasn't uncommon to strip nude and shower in the open showers, however Matt disliked walking around nude with other males.

"You did a splendid job today, Mathias. I could practically hear that man's bones breaking!" Mathias' father shouted with glee as he came into view. Leonardo Rockvale, since having retired from the Dark Arena, had lost his former strength and former stature. Now, unlike Matt himself, Leonardo was a plump male in his sixties with skinny arms and an ugly brown beard that went hideously with his blue eyes. Matt, on the other hand, was very muscular. He stood at six feet, 2 inches and had massive arms. His hair, underneath his Olympian helmet, was a messy blonde, a color he got from his mother. His eyes were green, much to his pleasure: He didn't want to even closely resemble his father in terms of looks.

"Get out, Leonardo." Matt replied before turning the other way and reaching for his clothing on the bench near him.

"What, I can't come and see my own son? Is it such a crime that you must throw me out? Can you not even call me father?" Leonardo replied before Matt snapped around, a battle axe narrowly stopping before it could cut Leonardo's head off.

"I will tell you once more. Get out. Never show me your face again, or else I will not stop my axe next time." Matt said, viciously. He then turned back to the bench to continue putting his clothing back on upon noticing his father's sudden silence.

"Ungrateful brat." Leonardo said before turning around and heading back for the door. He stopped when he could suddenly feel the immense increase in killing intent.

"You... dare..." Matt seethed as he slowly turned around, the axe in his hands once again.

"Call me ungrateful!? Besides having mother, what is there to be grateful for!? Your brutal  training of a six-year-old!? Your punishments of no dinner should I ask to quit the training for the day when I was merely eight!? Or perhaps you want me to be grateful for the fact that you murdered  mother!?" Matt shouted. While he had been shouting, he had walked closer to Leonardo who stood frozen at his son's rage.

"You knew!?" Leonardo exclaimed before Matt raised the axe into the air above his head.

"I gave you a chance  to run away. Instead, you chose to anger me. Do not repent your decision, you senile old fool!" Matt shouted as he arced the axe downwards. A flash of blue and yellow lightning suddenly appeared in front of him, stopping his axe before the bladed-edge could chop off the head of Leonardo.

"Forgive me for interfering, however-" Jay said as the lightning around him disappeared, revealing him standing in between the two, his hand jutting out to stop Matt's swing.

"I suggest you rethink your decision, Ares. Sir, please leave. If you don't, I cannot guarantee your safety." Jay said to Leonardo. Matt's father quickly nodded his head before running out of the changing room. Ares pulled his axe away from Jay before throwing it on the ground near the bench.

"As I said earlier, forgive me for-" Jay began as Ares raised his hand to stop the younger male.

"It is I who should be apologizing. The rules of the Dark Arena clearly state that killing outside of the arena on Dark Arena grounds is strictly forbidden and can mean a death sentencing. I should be thanking you for stopping me." Ares said, pulling his white t-shirt on. He then left without another word, exiting through the same door his father had run out of earlier.

"Jay Cruel... Zeus, The God Of Lightning and the only fighter to have ever stopped my axe swing mid-air. Impressive."


Cinder sighed. She'd been waiting at the bar for him for what seemed like several hours now. In reality, she'd only been there for an hour, sitting at a table in the same bar Jay had gone to before. She checked the time again: 8:30 pm. The sun had set at around 6, plus she knew full well that Jay had no matches scheduled today. All she had to do was bribe the attendant with money and he willfully gave her the schedule of battles for the entire week. Normally, the battles were all blind matches, meaning that fighters wouldn't know who they were fighting before the fight thus not allowing any sort of preparations beforehand and adding an unfair advantage to a party.

Cinder suddenly pulled out her scroll. She needed to call someone, a work acquaintance of hers.

"Hello, Miss Fall." The male voice replied.

"Good Afternoon, Loki." She replied, putting on her most charming smile.  

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