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Once Beverly heard the familiar voices rounding the corner she put out the cigarette she had been smoking and ran down the steps she sat on

A look of suprise took over her face as she saw Lacey on the back of Richie's bike. Beverly hadn't seen nor heard from the girl since the day they saved her from Bowers. She gave Lacey a smile once they made eye contact and Lacey shyly waved back

"I have to show you guys something" Beverly quickly says, remembering the purpose of their arrival

"More than we saw at the Quarry?" Richie jokes

"Shut up Richie" Lacey glares, slightly bothered by his comment for some reason. Everyone looks at her with raised eyebrows, curious as to why she snapped at the boy

"What? He talks to much" Lacey says, coming up with something on the spot

Beverly sends her a smirk to which Lacey glares, before continuing

"My dad would kill me if he found out I had boys in the apartment" Beverly says, stopping everyone before they could enter

"Richie, wait out here and keep watch" Bill shrugs before they all begin walking up the steps

"What! What if her dad comes back?!" Richie shouts nervously

"Do what you always do, start talking!" Stan calls out to the boy earning a snort from Lacey as she high fives him

"It's a gift you know!" Richie grumbles, plopping himself into the grass as his friends stumble into Beverlys apartment home

The first thing that Lacey noticed was the cigarette scent. It was really strong. Next was the beer cans that littered the floor in the living room. As they walked to the bathroom Eddie was ranting about how dirty bathrooms were. Lacey wasn't listening but to get the boy to shut up she placed her hands on his shoulders and gave him a gentle pat

"Eds. Zip it" Lacey mumbled to the boy

Once they reached the door Beverly looked at them asking if they were ready with her mind. Everyone subtly nods besides Eddie who vigorously shakes his head no. Slowly she opens the door, quickly scurrying away from it

"Holy- oh my gosh" Lacey gasps unable to form words. Beverlys bathroom was covered top to bottom in blood. The metallic scent made Lacey cringe

"I think I'm gonna be sick oh my" Eddie gags while grabbing onto Lacey who squirmed under his grip

"You guys can see it?" Beverly questioned

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