all i have

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alexis watched from the windows, flying from his bedroom window to his kitchen window, making sure to stay unseen.

her eyes flickered from the stairs to see her drowsy boyfriend creeping from there to the kitchen, noticing a prepared breakfast on the table.

she swallowed the worry in her throat, noticing benny hesitate but he sat down, trying to eat his food.

benny picked at his breakfast, taking small bites while thoughts filled his mind. did he even want to go to school today? could he?

he took one last bite, unable to finish his food as he stood up. benny huffed and walked outside, his mind racing with unexplained thoughts.

he could feel himself becoming weak, his legs giving out almost immediately. he stopped in his tracks, stumbling a few seconds and looking up, his eyes accidentally finding the sun.

benny originally would groan for a reaction, but instead this time, he fell to the ground unconscious.

alexis's feet stopped at the scene, her vampire heart pumping with panic and fear.

you see, alexis had been watching benny for a while, ever since she left. she wasn't supposed to, but she needed to make sure benny was okay. if something had happened to him, what would she do?

she sped over to the boy, hesitant to touch him. though she was invisible at the moment, she was scared to make contact. she knew how upset evelyn would be if they found out she was here.

she took a deep breath, and shoved him a few times, but unable to make a difference. she noticed he was still breathing but it wasn't enough to satisfy her worries.

what happened to the boy? he was fine, wasn't he? he just fell to the ground unconscious so sudden.

alexis knew she couldn't interfere, it wasn't so easy as she wished it would be. she thought for a moment. what could she do? what could she do that wasn't obvious and kept her secret?

an idea clicked in her head; she reached for benny's phone, pulling out and messaging ethan quickly.

can we walk to school today?

alexis bit her lip anxiously, waiting to recieve an answer while she continued to try and wake benny up.

at last, she got an answer.

sure, be there soon

alexis let out a sigh of relief, sitting back on her knees. she slipped benny's phone back into his pocket, hoping it'd go unnoticed that it even left. she crouched beside him, knowing even if he woke up, she'd be hidden.

she wore a necklace around her neck, a gem wrapped in small metal chains that kept it in place. it kept her hidden, like an invisibility cloak from harry potter but in a necklace depending on who wore it.

alexis sat in the grass impatiently, hugging her knees while she waited for ethan. eventually, he made it. he had noticed a few yards away from his hard that benny was knocked out on the ground.

once he noticed, he dashed for him, sliding onto the ground next to him and trying to wake him up like she did. he wasn't budging.

ethan helped benny's body up, wrapping his arm around his shoulder while he took him back inside his house.

ethan set him on couch. right before ethan could call his grandmother, she entered the room, her face becoming concerned. "oh, dear, ethan, what happened to benny?"

"i don't know," benny answered, "he messaged me to walk to school and when i got here he was out like a light."

evelyn wavered her finger above benny's face, feeling his forehead and sighing. "sleep deprivation, loss of appetite. i'll feed him when he wakes up, other than that, i'll keep him home for a few days until i know he's good enough to head back into school."

"i'll stay here," ethan stated boldly, "i won't leave his side until i know he's awake and okay."

alexis found herself smiling at ethan's word, happy someone truly cared about benny the way she did.


the group waited patiently for benny to wake up, and when he did, ethan relievingly hugged him. "dude you scared me," ethan chuckled lightly.

benny rubbed his eyes, looking around. "oh. i'm not in class this time."

"you've been falling asleep in class and still haven't slept?" ethan asked, putting his arm up on the couch.

"i just couldn't. were you worried that much?" benny joked, nudging ethan.

ethan rolled his eyes. evelyn had stood up on when benny awoke, bringing his food out and setting it on his dining table.

"c'mom benny, you need to refill on food," she said, walking back into the kitchen.

ethan followed benny to the table. benny sat in the chair with food in the front of it, ethan sitting across from him.

"so what happened?" benny asked, slightly muffled as he stuck a piece of steak in his mouth. "i don't remember much from this morning."

"i think you passed out." ethan shifted himself comfortably in the seat, leaning on the table. "after you texted me to go to school together, i started heading over and next thing i knew, you were already knocked unconscious."

benny swallowed his now chewed piece of meat, freezing in place after. his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "i never texted you."

alexis could feel her heart drop, her eyes widening.

ethan laughed, assuming he was joking. "uh, yeah you did. you must've hit your head on a rock or something."

"no," benny said, pulling out the 'o' slightly, "i didn't. i would've remembered that."

"uh, yeah. you did," ethan repeated himself once again, pulling out his phone that revealed proof he did indeed text him. except, it wasn't actually him.

"ethan, that.. wasn't me." benny sat up straight, setting his fork down carefully.

"c'mon dude, stop messing with me," ethan said, serious this time.

"i'm not, i swear!" benny held his hands up in surrender, pulling his phone from his pocket and becoming even more confused by it being in his pocket.

"is that so?" evelyn spoke from the doorframe of the kitchen. she crossed her arms slowly, the look of she just caught someone on her face.

alexis bit her lip nervously. she knew it was her time. she would rather die. like, actually die this time.

evelyn looked past the boys, staring at alexis as if she saw exactly where she was. she probably knew she was.

ethan and benny looked to where she did, sharing confused looks. they looked back at evelyn. "what is it? what're you looking at?"

evelyn cleared her throat loudly and noticbly, signaling a cue. the boys' looked back to the spot, seeing a girl become clear as day as she held a necklace in her hands.

she cupped the necklace tightly before sticking in her jacket pocket, a nervous smile finding her face. "hey guys.."

benny completely froze. he was shocked. ethan stared surprised at the girl, looking at benny, to evelyn and back at alexis.

before anyone could say his name, benny pushed himself out from the seat and dashed towards alexis, engulfing her tightly in a hug and spinning her around.

she can get her lecture from evelyn later, benny was so ecstatic to see her. alexis giggled as he spun her around, setting her down and gazing into her eyes.

without a warning, benny cupped her face in his hands and kissed the girl so passionately, she almost melted in his hands.

he pulled back gently, staring into her eyes, heavy breaths escaping. "i've been wanting to do that again for so long."

alexis was completely flabbergasted at the sudden interaction. her eyes open widely. a face reappeared on her face, causing her to hug the boy tightly and dig her face into his chest, letting him know how much she appreciated him.

benny hugged her back, digging his face in her hair. he whispered in her ear, "never leave me again, okay?"

"never again."

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