common ground

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"class will continue in the gym since the biology lab will be closed due to weird disturbances. hopefully it'll be cleaned out soon," the teacher spoke, leading all of the students of his class to the gym.

"that's weird," benny muttered, holding his bag strap. "what happened?"

"i heard someone say something about dead frog corpses," ethan groaned, gagging quietly, "like they were possessed or something."

they had previously boarded up the door, making sure it was locked.

benny pointed at the cieling, grinning widely. "this sounds like a job for.. the dream team!"


benny, ethan, sarah and alexis rearrived at the biology lab door after school.

sarah and alexis ripped off the boards, grunting at the strength they needed. after they tossed them aside, they dusted their hands off and kicked the locked door open.

"welcome to bio boys," alexis said, stepping over the lowest board they kept on purely for the reason of they didn't exactly have to remove it and they needed to put them back.

first went in alexis, who immediately got jumped at by a frog. a frog attacked her face, causing her to fly back past the door.

in a panic, the others followed in after, specifically benny first who rushed in and tried sliding his fingers underneath the frog to rip its slimy hands off of her face.

"get it off!" alexis muffledly yelled, obviously struggling.

ethan ran up and managed to finally rip it off of her face, throwing it against the wall. its body hit the wall roughly, slipping off to the floor.

"are you alright?" ethan questioned and reaching for her shoulder. his eyes shot up by the touch.

benny noticed the interaction, furrowed his eyebrows. at first, he ignored it, he held alexis's face, inspecting it to check for any possible bites or spots.

alexis spat out some slime, gagging greatly at the small intake. she took heavy breaths, nodding. "yeah, yeah. that was scary. and disgusting."

he let go of the girl, looking towards ethan instead. he leaned closer to ethan, whispering, "was that a..?"

"no, no," ethan lied, shaking his head. "just a shock from the touch."

benny was confused. he didn't want to believe ethan, but he did, ethan knew best right? if it was super important he would definitely tell them, right? right.

benny opened his spellbook, careful to avoid the levitating and reanimated corpses of butterflies, frogs and baby pigs.

ethan seemed to inspect some of the slime that was on the walls with a weird device alexis had no clue it was. and sarah? she was smashing frogs and butterflies into the floors.

"have one of you geeks figured out any way to stop this yet?" sarah asked,  smashing another butterfly.

"no, i haven't. there's only spells to bring them back to life," benny muttered, flipping through several pages.

"i haven't either. i can't even find what caused this," ethan sighed.

"we'll figure it out tomorrow, let's leave before i get some kind of disease." alexis coughed in her arm, keeping her mouth covered while her and sarah rushed to get the boys out.

they shut the door behind them, making sure no dead corpse had escaped before they left home.


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