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they finally managed to set everything back up, ethan sneaking out to watch everything happen and help with fixing things.

erica also came to rehearse the spell with sarah.

alexis pulled benny into the repainted pentagon, sitting down across from him. she checked benny's time on his watch, it was around eight-thirty pm.

it had taken longer to find brand new altars along with other necessary equipment.

benny and alexis held their hands again, sarah and erica standing on each side outside of the pentagon.

jesse stood at the point of the pentagon, chanting out his role while the girls chanted theirs.

his eyes were focused on saving alexis's life, like he said earlier, it was the least he could do for saving his. though, neither had an idea on why she saved him, but he was thankful. extremely thankful. and now she was.

alexis and benny held each other closely, waiting for them to finish. the entire ceremony took an hour and a half, seeing as this attempt was more professional and thought out.

with an hour and a half left to spare, alexis tested her fangs and realized the markings were still.. there.

the two fell sad, jesse frowning and kneeling next to her. "i'm sorry i couldn't save you like you did for me."

alexis shook her head and sniffled once more. suddenly, alexis perked up in realization quickly. "ethan's blood!"

she sped over to ethan and took some more of his blood, ethan whining dramatically about the pain but ignoring it soon after.

she poured his blood in the proper places, sitting back in place with benny. jesse went back to standing at the point and rechanting his lines with the girls.

they didn't have much time and this would take just as much time as they had.

the group remained focused, only speeding it up by a tiny time. as quick but slow as they could.

and finally, they finished, with only a minute to spare. ethan checked his watch just as it hit twelve.

alexis and benny's bodies had fallen together to the ground, which at first sent panic through everyone's bodies, but they decided to wait to see if it had worked.

benny opened his eyes, but instead of seeing the sky or alexis's face, he saw white. he looked around, sitting up. he checked his arm, the marking was gone, but.. where was he?

"lex? where are you?" benny asked, looking around the blank space.

as if on cue, benny heard voices. he spun around to meet a set of lockers. he peeked around the corner, seeing ethan's back but he seemed to be talking to someone.

"i mean, yeah," alexis's voice cut in, "i did like benny. but he uhm.. he's a little.."

benny got a look at her. she looked like pre-vampire transition. when sbe first arrived at whitechapel. it felt so long ago.

"he's always been like that," ethan replied, wrapping his arm around the girl with a smile. "but let's not worry about him. you've got me now."

"what?" benny asked aloud, but the two seemed to miss it. they couldn't hear him. "guys?"

benny watched the two leave as he stood there, lost and confused. almost hurt by the fact she had chosen him instead. but this wasn't real, right?

"benny dear?"

benny suddenly jolted awake, his eyes opening to his grandmother standing beside him. he checked his alarm clock to see it being twelve o' five. "grandma? why am i in bed? where's lex?"

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