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I knocked twice, messed my hair up a bit and waited for Marina to open the door.
I stood outside- a fake smile on my face, waiting for her to let me into her house.
I waited.
I knocked.
I waited longer.
Rang the doorbell.
After 20 minutes I start to shiver so I go around the back of her house and let myself in.
"Honey I'm home." I mock, taking my muddy vans off near the back door.
I slowly walk through the kitchen and up the stairs into Marinas bedroom.
The room is empty of any human life so I walk out.
"Marina?" I look around a bit but go back into her room.
I travel for 2 hours to come and see her and this is the welcome I get? Where on earth is she?!
I sit on her bed looking around her messy room.
Her camera is set up in the middle of the room with the rest of her filming equipment.
10 minutes.... 20 minutes pass and still no sign of Marina.
I sit there, contemplating weather to have a little snooze when the door opens.
In walks marina Joyce. A towel wrapped around most of her body, a tooth brush in her mouth and her hair wet dripping down her back.
"Jason?!" she asked astonished.
She stares at me and runs out of the room.
I swear to god that girl needs a watch

INFINITY - a Jarina fanfiction ( veeoneeye and marina Joyce) ** ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now