America (DamonFizzy )

206 11 2

The house was quiet when we got back. Jason and I walked around for a bit trying to find everyone. In the end we found them all up in the attic crowded around a tiny computer screen playing video games and laughing at funny videos.

Dottie and Patty were both snuggled up together sharing a beanbag and Luke was sitting next to them both not quite realising that he was a third wheel.

Jason and I both laughed and sat down next to them. Jason put his hand around my waist and held me close to him.

Luke went quiet when we sat down, he stopped laughing, tensed up and didn't look at us. Patty and dottie smiled and said 'hey' but Luke said nothing.

Patty tried to brake the tension a bit and put on a funny video but half way through Luke stood up and left.

We all looked at each other confused

"He wasn't like this before" Patty said confused and Dottie agreed

"I'll go talk to him" Jason muttered unraveling himself from me.

"No listen I'll go.. " I said and no one objected so I got up and walked to find Luke.

Luke was in his bedroom so I knocked slightly but there was no answer. I opened the door slightly to see Luke exactly the same as I had seen him only 24 hours ago- snuggled up on his bed, crying into his pillow.

Muffled sobs filled the room so I coughed to mark my arival and knealed down next to his bed.

I waited a ffew moments for him to get up and he did just that- wiping away his tears.

"Why are you here Marina?" He asked

"I don't know.. " I answered realising for the first time that I actually didn't. "I saw my friend upset and I came to see what was wrong"

Luke hesitates for a second "I guess i just couldn't stop liking you.. Sorry" He answeres

"Don't worry" I mutter to him. I sit on the bed next to him and he moves closer to me ( in a friendly kind of way) 

"Listen I can help you get a nice girlfriend if you want " I say and he laughs 

" who?" he asks 

"Not telling until you promise me you will stop crying.. I can help you. " I wait for him to nod then I say " you going to come back upstairs now?" 

I stand up and reach out my hand for him to take it. He pulls a bit too hard and I land on top of him. We both laugh and when I get up again I see Jason standing in the doorway- a look of pain in his face. 

Jason slams the door and runs down the hallway. A few seconds later we hear the front door slam and the car start up.

Jasons POV 

"Where do you think they are?" patty asked after the awkward silence after Marina left had gone on for too long. 

"I'm not sure but ill go and have a look" I sat getting up.

I walk down the corridor and I hear talking come from Lukes bedroom. I walk over to the door and before I open it something catches my ear. 

"I can help you" marina says. 

I'm confused by what she means so I open the door forgetting to knock.

What I saw next was horrifying- marina was on top of Luke their faces inches apart. 

They were both giggling like mad and not one of them noticed I was there. 

The pain I felt in my chest must have displayed on my face because when Marina looks up and sees me she looks upset too. 

She starts to talk but I don't hear what she's saying. Suddenly the pain turns into anger and I find myself slamming the door running down the stairs and outside then switching on the car and driving away.

I carry on driving into town but then I realise I have no clue where I actually want to go. I pull over in tesco car park. 

I open up my mobile and skim through the contacts. I debate on phoning my parents but then I realise they probably don't give a fuck and anyway they live miles away so how could they do anything to help? 

I look at the time- 11:30 pm. 

That means it's probably daytime in America so I might as well phone Damon. 

As the phone rings I let my mind wonder for a few seconds only to find myself thinking about Marina and Luke together. When Damon finally answers the phone I realise that I have genuine tears running down my face. 

"Hey Jason!" Damon shouts out the phone. 

I don't know how to answer so I don't say anything. I'm scared that my voice might quiver and I don't want him to hear me cry. 

"Jason?!" he asks obviously worried. 

"Sorry." I answer " it's been a tough night and I just wanted to speak to someone." 

"Oh sure bro. I'm here for you" 

"Thanks damon.." 

"Do you want to speak about it?" 

" not really" I start "I want a new subject please- try and get my mind off it" 

" okay well.. Me and my mates are starting warped tour in a couple of weeks. That's going to be crazy!" 

He laughs and I find myself laughing too "I've always wanted to do warped." I say 

"Why don't you?" 

"Excuse me?" 

"We have another space left in the mini van and all the other guys love you." 

I debate this for a second " I don't have anything better to do so.... I might give it a go" 

"Yayyyy!" he shouts " listen can I talk to you tomorrow about it I have some things to do"

"Yeah sure." I answer and after some quick 'good bye's we both hang up.  

INFINITY - a Jarina fanfiction ( veeoneeye and marina Joyce) ** ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now