Dr. Jason

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"Luke can I come in?" I ask, my ear to the door knocking slightly.

I don't hear anything except for muffled sob coming from Luke's bedroom.

Without an invitation - I walk into his room and sit down on his bed to try and stop him from crying.

I had never seen Luke cry before and it was truly heart-braking to witness. I sit on his bed rubbing his back and muttering soothing words under my breath.

He looks up at me through tears " how much did you hear?" he asks

"Enough" I sigh.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get over it now you're dating Jason." He sighs.

"Are you sure?" I don't know how you can just get over somebody like that but I just choose to accept it- I didn't want to make the situation worse.

"I'm sure." he laughs " you better get back to Jason now. He'll be worried."

"Thanks luke." I say walking over to the door.

"No marina. Thank you " he smiles as I close the door. I walk over to Jason's bedroom and he looks up from his laptop as I walk in.

"You took your time." he looks up and kisses me on the forehead but he notices the bruise on it when I hit my head on the door. "What's this?" he asks. I try and brush him off but he looks seriously concerned.

"Oh it's nothing." i mutter looking around to find a new subject idea but he doesn't let it drop.

"It doesn't look like nothing." he kisses my cheek tricking me to come closer to him so he picks me up and takes me to the bathroom over the corridor.

I giggle trying to escape his arms but his firm grip keeps me tightly in his arms. I give up and let him do what he wants because there's no way I can escape.

Jason places me back on my feet in the bathroom in front of the mirror and for the first time I see the bruise on my forehead.

Theres a small open wound in the middle of my head with a massive bruise around it. It's mostly green and grey but in parts it's turned purple and in others it's turned black. I try not to look shocked at seeing it but i actually want to faint. Jason holds me tightly for a second before walking to the back of the bathroom and opening the medicine cupboard to find something to fix it.

When Jason isn't looking I gently touch the wound only to find myself hissing and wincing at the pain I just caused myself. Feeling stupid I let Jason fix my wound the best he can.

Jason is so damn sexy when he's concentrating and so while Dr. Jason fixes my head I use his sexy face as a distraction.

I grip onto Jason's t-shirt and he sits me on the edge of the bath while he bends down slightly to fix my open gash.

"So Doc. Do I have to amputate?" I mock him and he brakes out of his concentrating trance and musters a heartwarming smile.

"Why are you so damn cute Marina? It's so hard to concentrate." he laughs kissing me gently.

"Soz." I mutter pulling away and he carries on fixing my wound.

Jason takes his time fixing my forehead so when it's actually time to stand up again my whole body has gone numb from staying in one position for too long.

"C'Mon you. let's get ready- we are going to go somewhere special later" Jason says pushing me into his bedroom again and closing the door behind us.


Sorry it's short but I wanted to update something.

So I will try to update ASAP but I'm going to London next Friday with my school so I can write fanfictions but I won't be able to upload it until later when I get wifi somehow so you will have to wait a bit longer than normal.

I feel that nobody on wattpad has been updating lately so I don't know where everybody has disappeared to :/

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed the update or any of the other updates as per, and follow me because I just started uploading a Patty Walters fanfiction and I've been updating every single night with that :3 thanks


INFINITY - a Jarina fanfiction ( veeoneeye and marina Joyce) ** ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now