Wales - (Karim)

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After hanging up I realised I had nowhere to go. I climbed into the back seat and looked around for something to keep me warm. I found Marina's hoodie in the back seat so I wore it. Even though I was now much warmer the hoodie made everything worse- the smell of marina made my longing for her 10 times stronger so I cried myself to sleep. I held my phone in my hand but everyone was trying to call me- Luke called 4 times, Patty called 11 times but marina called 27 times. i hung up on everyone.
I threw my phone into the front seat and fell asleep.

The next morning I was woken up by someone knocking on the door.
"Excuse me... excuse me...." I looked up and there was a tesco worker knocking on the window. I sat up and opened the door. " I'm so sorry but you're going to have to leave in an hour. It's the policy that you can stay overnight but as soon as the shop opens you will have to leave" * a/N I made this up btw. this isn't true.... sorry to interupt but I just.... Yeah... Soz*
" yeah sure.. " I mutter stepping out and getting back into the drivers seat.
I open up the little mirror and take a look at my hair. it's all flopped down so I take a look in the glove compartment for a can of hairspray.
I found it so in a poor attempt I fixed my hair and looked at the time.
It was 10 in the morning so I would probably have to wait a couple of hours before I could phone damon again.
I decided to go into town and get some breakfast from a cafe somewhere. I ordered a full English breakfast and sat on my own in a tiny little cafe. I received lots of funny looks by some old people ( but that's just the usual) but I mostly just enjoyed sitting on my own and checking some social media.
Just as I was finishing my meal Damon rang and I answered it
"Hey Jason" he said
"Hey!" I answer
"So about our talk yesterday..." damon starts
We talk and plan everything out for about an hour and by the time I finish all the old people that were having breakfast have left and people wanting dinner started to arrive.
When we both finish talking I decide to phone my parents. They both seem happy enough when I call them.
"I have a couple of your things left in the house I think you would like to take to your new place" mum says
"We're going to paint your bedroom so anytime your near you need to choose what you want to keep or its all going in the bin"
" yeah well I'm not doing anything today so I could pop around sometime." I know the journey takes a couple hours but I don't want any awkward questions from my parents as to why I'm not with Patty and Luke.
"Yeah. Your father and I will be in all day so feel free to come anytime."
We carry on talking but then a lady asks me to leave the cafe so we say our 'good bye's and hang up.
As I'm walking away I text karim and ask if he wants to come to Wales with me because I don't really fancy spending 3 hours on my own in a quiet car- because I know I'll start thinking of marina again.
Karim answers almost instantly with a 'yes' and I go and pick him up.

When we only have a couple hours left of driving I decide to start the vlog for the day. I borrow Karims's camera ( because mines still at the house) and start today's vlog.
I start by announcing the news of going to America then switch off the camera.
I switch on the dubstep music as loud as my little stereo will go.
"So it's definite that you are going to America then?" Karim asks turning down the dubsteb so I can hear him.
" I guess so." I answer.
"Have you organised the flights?"
"Damons doing it tonight" I answer
Karim pauses for a moment before asking "what about marina then? Do you just forget about her?"
This takes me by surprise " no. not really... well I'm not sure.." I don't feel comfortable answering this..
" I thought you where better than that Jason. You can't just leave her.." he looks out of the window and doesn't turn around.
"Do you think I wanted this? Of course I'm looking forward to go to America but all I want is her. She's the one that keeps me going and I've lost her- or rather she's lost me. I don't know why she went with Luke and I know she'll just try and convince me otherwise.. I just didn't think they would do this to me" I feel my eyes brim with tears but I carry on driving. It's probably really dangerous driving when my vision is so blurred with tears but I don't want to admit defeat and pull over- it sound silly but that would just show me giving up.
We arrive two hours after. The dubstep music carries on like nothing happened. We both mess about and I vlog a few little clips. Just as we're about to arrive in Wales we call into a drive through McDonald's to get some burgers and we eat them on the way to my parents house.
When we arrive there Karim and I park outside and walk up to the house. Mum answers the door- I give her a slight awkward hug and Karim says hi.
Mum sends me upstairs with a box to collect my things and me and Karim go into my bedroom.
It's a funny feeling going back to somewhere you haven't been for a while. I look around at the stuff and there really isn't very much I want to take with me. I realise it would be a wasted trip if I didn't take something so I look around. I find some photographs that might be useful in future and there's some t-shirts that look handy for America. Karim looks around the room
"These things are cool" he says picking up a ornament " a bit old... but cool"
"Thanks. take anything you want."
He looks at the stuff
"I'm alright but thanks man"
I laugh " look at this."
"Ewwww. Jason.." I throw an old pair of thongs over to Karim and it lands right on his hat.
"What the fuck? Why do you even have these?"
"It's not what it looks like" I giggle "they where a prop for a video once."
Karim looks at me for a second then bursts into floods of laughter.
We laugh so much that we run out of time and my mum calls us both downstairs.
I pick up the photo album and the T-shirts and head downstairs.
"Here's a bite to eat before you leave- unless you want to stay the night?"
"Thanks mum but I don't think we'll stay. To be honest I'm leaving to go to America in two days so I better get home and pack"
" oh right sorry. How long are you going to be in America for?"
"A couple months at the least" I answer
"Are you joking?" she asks innocently
"No not at all. I'm going on warped tour."
Mum looks a bit scared so she looks at Karim to see if I'm kidding. Karim tells her it's the truth.
She turns around " it was only a matter of time."
"What do you meen?" I ask her
"Well you've wanted to go on that damn tour since you where twelve. I said it was only matter of time until you actually found the guts to go"
"Well this is going to be the last time I see you in a while." I say and she turns around. We have an awkward hug, say our good bye's and me and Karim leave.
"There's no point going home yet. Why not explore?"
Karim agrees to the idea so we both decide to go to the castle I used to visit as a kid.
When we got up the top Karim started vlogging.
Karim hates it when someone ruins his shot so he was fuming mad when someone started screaming "Jason oh my god, is it really you?"
I turn around to see a girl about my age running over to me.. she seems familiar but I can't quite remember who she is.
"You don't remember me do you?" she looks disappointed.
"Should i?" I ask sheepishly.
"It's rebecca.... you know..... year 9...."
It takes me a second to remember but then it all comes flooding back
"Holy shit.." I mutter as I think about year nine. The girl standing in front of me was just a much older version of the girl I dated in year nine. She was clingy and annoying and I broke up with her the first chance I got. We only actually dated each other for about a week and a half but she still nagged me and chased me for months afterwards
" okay while you two have a romance can I please just vlog quickly, so ssshhh for a second please."
Rebecca looks confused but I just tell her to shut up while Karim films a small snippet for his upcoming video. As soon as the camera is switched off Rebecca doesn't hesitate to start up the conversation again.
" so you do remember then" she tries to flirt but fails horribly.
"Umm... I think so.." I feel very awkward and all I want is to end this conversation and leave.
" would anyone care to explain what's just happened?" Karim has packed away his camera and tries to stand between us.
"Sorry, this is Karim my good friend from London." I say realising the look of confusion towards Karim on Rebeccas face.
"Oh well I was Jason's high school lover.." I try not to laugh so I disguise it as a cough " we went out for about a year... then Jason lost interest and moved away."
"Can I give my point of view on the story?" I ask.
"No." she screeched.
Karim tries not to laugh realising that her story was a lie.
"Cool story bro." he laughs and drags me off.
We both run to the car laughing and lock ourselves in in case she's
following us (which she isn't)
We started up the car and drove off .

Sorry it seems so short but it took ages to write and everything. it's been a hectic couple of days but I've been writing this whenever I get the chance to. With everything that's gone on in the past week I didn't think that anyone would still read this but I'm so happy that people still do. it's disappointing to see good fanfictions get deleted and taken offline because of recent events but I would never do that to this one.
Thanks for everyone's support there have Been some really great comments recently :)
Anyway as I said last week- if anyone wants to get mentioned in this video ( as warped tour is coming up in the fanfiction and there's a mystery girl coming) just inbox me your name or someone else's name and I will mention you in the story.
I think it's getting a bit idek... 'Cliché' but tell me what you think :)
Ily all :) vote, comment and follow for more <3 xox

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