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"Hey marina." I mutter nervously down the phone. "about the kiss.." I start but she cuts across me.

"Do you regret it?" she asks quietly with a slight quiver in her voice.

"No... I didn't regret anything about it..." I start and I don't know if I want to say what I'm about to say. "there's not a second I would regret if it was with you." I say.

My fingers are crossed that she doesn't answer me back with an apology explaining she doesn't like me back but her answer took me by surprise.

"I don't like talking to you on the phone I want to see your face." She answers obviously happier than before. " I will be in yours in about an hour." she states before hanging up so I can't object (not that I ever would )

I sit down on my bed looking at my messy room but thinking of Marina gave me the motivation to stand up and get dressed. I wanted the room to be tidy for when she came. There was something magical about the atmosphere- like something was about to happen.


I ran upstairs to my bedroom and haul oped my wardrobe to choose a suitable outfit. I try on 4 outfits but in the end I decide on a black and white cat skater skirt, a pink crop top and white zip-up hoodie. I look in the mirror and start with the makeup and hair.

I forgot to take my eyeliner off last night so I still have black makeup all around my eyes so it takes me a good 5 minutes to get rid of that. I know Jason won't expect me to be on time but for once I want to arrive early.

I do my makeup quickly enough and straighten my hair in less than 10 minutes, ( a new personal record ) I don't know if its the thought of Jason that makes me get ready so quickly but whatever it is I seriously need to do it more often.

I walk out the house with plenty of time to get to Jason's house. Its nice not rushing everywhere for once.


I knock on the door and wait for a reply. The door is opened by a smiling Jason but I could tell he was nervous and his eyes displayed some confused look too.

I was greeted by a big warm hug and we stayed like that in the hallway of Jason's house for a bit before Jason grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to his bedroom.

The room was so tidy it was unbelievable. "had a spring clean?" I ask amused but he just shakes his head shyly.

"What's wrong?" I mutter because Jason hasn't said a word since I arrived.

There's a long pause but "you never answered what I said before." he whispered looking into my deeply into my eyes.

"And what did you say? I can't remember " I tease.

"That I'm truly, madly and blindly in love with you Marina Joyce." He answered moving in for another kiss.

AN-- I know this is reallyyyyyy short .. Please don't throw things at me .. But I really wanted to update because I don't think I will update tomorrow or Saturday but I will try my hardest to write something. Sorry to leave it on such a cliffhanger I have something planned for the next chapter ( don't get your hopes up its not that exiting.) I'm in the middle of writing a Patty Walters fanfiction but its slightly more personal but If you do want me to publish it then comment saying 'Patty Please' now :) BYEEEEE

INFINITY - a Jarina fanfiction ( veeoneeye and marina Joyce) ** ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now