New relatioship status

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"that im truly, madly and blindly in love with you Marina Joyce." Jason states moving in for another kiss.

I obviously kiss him back and when we've finished i curl up into his strong loving arms in a massive hug not bothering to hide my smile.

Jason was the first to pull away. He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes with the cutest look in his eyes- the look of pure happiness.

"Marina Joyce I dont know what I have done to deserve you but will you by any chance.... y'know..... like.... be my girlfriend?" Jason went all shy and he IS SO CUTE WHEN HE GETS EMBARRASSED.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I scream, moving my hands up his arms and to his neck- pulling him into another kiss again.

Suddenly there is a noise that causes us to brake apart and look sheepishly at the ground.

"I KNEW IT! LUKE YOU OWE ME £10!" Patty screams down the hallway whilst standing in the doorway of Jason's bedroom. "I heard you come in Marina, I didn't mean to interrupt anything I was just wondering if you wanted a pizza. Me and Luke are getting two vegan pizzas and wondered if you wanted something?" he mutters.

"Yes please. Ill have a pepperoni please Patty." Jason answers whilst I just nod.

"Yeah I'll share some of Jason's." I say and Patty leaves the room.

"Now that we are a couple, what would you like to do?" Jason asks. "We can watch a movie?" he suggests

"I'd love to!" I squeal.

"Wait!" he shouts holding up his hand. " We must create a massive pile of cushions first." he states seriously and it makes me laugh.

We both run downsairs and pinch every cussion in sight but after we pile them up on Jason's bed we still realise that we dont have enough.

Me and Jason thought of a plan and ran into Luke's bedroom. Luke was sitting on the bed with his laptop on his knees. We both run in laughing hysterically at our plan ( but Luke is wearing headphones so he can't hear us) and we walk slowly over to the bed.

Luke hasn't yet noticed we are in his bedroom but we walk over to the bed and pull poor Luke off the bed and onto the floor. Luke screams in defeat as we pinch all his pillows and his quilt leaving just an empty bed. We run back to Jason's bedroom and place our findings on the bed and finally the bed looks good enough to sit on.

"Can I stay the night?" I ask Jason.

"If you want to." He answers "I don't know where you will sleep though" he says cheekily.

"My boyfriend isn't going to make me sleep on the couch?" I ask moving closer to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and moves closer.

"Im not making you sleep on the sofa honey. You can sleep with meeee" He says pecking me on the nose and moving over to his shelf to choose a movie.

"What do you fancy watching?" Jason asks looking through the different choices.

"I dont mind" I answer moving to look through the movies too.

After lots of talking and desicions we decide on picking 'The Hunger Games' and we both snuggle up on our pile of cushions.

I wore one of Jason's t-shirts and a pair of his pyjama bottoms rolled up because they're too long for me. We both snuggle up together and watch the movie happily.

Half way through Patty comes in with our pizzas and we both eat it slowly until the movie finishes. I was so peaceful with Jason and before I know it I've fallen asleep on Jason's chest.



I've been busy this week so the update is once again quite short but it took me ages.

I hope to have another update up soon and if you want me to do anything special in the next update send me a message saying your idea.



INFINITY - a Jarina fanfiction ( veeoneeye and marina Joyce) ** ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now