Exo Baekhyun-sad: No Matter What

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Byun Baek Hyun

Park Hyo Jung

Byun Bae Jun

Hyo Jung's POV

I remember the last conversation we had. Before he disappeared. Before we never saw each other again.


Baekhyun took me out to dinner. It was very romantic...really..

He took me to a really pretty garden, there he set up a table with candles and rose petals.

There was a glass roof, so we could still see the stars perfectly.

He pulled the chair for me then pushed it into position when I sat down. Such a gentleman...

No one spoke for a while. He was too nervous and I was too overwhelmed.

I finally spoke. "You did all of this?"

"Yeah, I did." He blushed

"No need to be nervous Baekkie... I love what you did." I smiled.

"It's been a while since I've seen you smile like that." He said, a bit seriously.

"It's because of you Baekhyun. You make me happy again."

"I wish your happiness would continue. It's why I live, you know?"

"No it's not." I giggled.

"It is." He smiled. "I love you Hyo Jung, no matter what."

"I love you too Baekhyun, no matter what.."


I wonder what happened.

I know, I went under depression before and Baekhyun tried so hard to make me happy again. He succeeded.

Now I don't know where he is... What happened to him? I miss him so much.

He just disappeared, and I never got to see him again.

I went to his parents' house. Since he lives alone now in an apartment. I don't know where it is, he never told me. I called him but he

doesn't answer.

I knocked on their door.

"Who is it?" A lady's voice asked

"Uhm..Hyo Jung." I asked

Baekhyun's younger sister, Bae Jun opened it.

She's grown since I last saw her.

"Oh, Bae Jun ah. Where's your parents?"

"They moved to the U.S. Come in." She said

I entered the house.

"So.. Hyo Jung eonni, how are you?" She asked as she offered a glass of juice.

I took it. "I'm doing fine. What about you? So you live alone now?"

"Yes. And I've been doing well too. So eonni, why did you drop by?" She smiled.

"I'm just wondering where's Baekhyun?"

Her smile faded and she almost dropped the pitcher of juice. But luckily she caught it.

"Bae Jun ah. What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Baekhyun is...uh.."

"Is what?"

"If you really want to know, just go to his apartment."

"I don't know where it is."

Bae Jun sighed. And went to get a piece of paper. She got back and handed me the address.

I hesitantly took it and nodded as thanks.

I went to the address Bae Jun told me.

I went inside the apartment, and saw that everything was a mess.

"Baekhyun? Baekhyun? Are you here?" I called him.

Only silence answered me. And nothing else..

I went in his room. His bed wasn't fixed. That's unusual.

I went to his nightstand and opened the drawer. I know that he usually keeps important stuff in the nightstand.

I saw an envelope and a bottle of...sleeping pills?

Why would he need sleeping pills?

I took the envelope and saw that it was for me..

I tore it open and read the letter.

'Dear Hyo Jung,

When you read this, I'm probably gone by then. Remember the dinner I took you to? I never thought that it will be our last. At least there, I got to see a wide, sincere, and real smile from you.

I have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, and I figured that how will I continue to make you happy if I keep forgetting everything? Especially things about you. I think I also suffered from depression, but I only regret one thing. And that is that I have been unable to keep you happy.

Remember what I said? That your happiness is the reason I live? That's true. When I knew that I had a disease, I knew I couldn't keep you happy anymore.

I thought about it. I don't know what was going on but...it had to be done.

I'm sorry Hyo Jung. I love you, no matter what. One day, we will be together again.


He ended his life because of me? Why?

Tears ran down my cheeks... Baekhyun's gone and he was the reason I live.

I took the knife I secretly keep in my purse. I think it's time I used it again.

I closed my eyes as I felt the cold blade scrape against my skin.

This is it. My vision started to blur, everything I see started to shake and I collapsed on the ground.

But then I see Baekhyun's silhouette, reaching his hand out for me. I took his hand in mine. I saw him smile at me..

'Finally Baekhyun, we're together again. And I still love you, no matter what.'

Author's Note: did you cry while reading this? You better did. Kidding! I tried hard in writing this, 'cause I don't usually cry.

But it is sad, right?

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