(For Maknae_1288) SHINee Onew-cute: Fried Chicken Shop

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Lee Jin Ki/Onew

Shin Ji Rim

Ji Rim's POV

I'm starving..after a day of studies, what do you expect?

I went into my favorite chicken restaurant. I went to the counter and ordered a chicken meal.

I was holding my tray while searching for a table. Aha! Found one.

I put my tray on the table but unfortunately someone did too.

"Yah! This is my table..find your own!" The guy said

"Aigoo.." I scratched my hair. "As you can see, there are no more vacant tables. We have no choice but to share, you okay with that?"

The guy stared at me blankly.


He sat down and so did I.

He began to chew his way into his food. He sure loves his chicken.

I also scooped some rice and sliced chicken in my mouth.

"So..since were stuck to eat together can I know your name?" He asked with his mouth full of chicken

"Can you swallow your food first?" I said, raising an eyebrow

He swallowed quickly

Then began to choke.

"Tsk, tsk. Don't be ignorant." I shook my head slowly, handing him a glass of water

"Ahh.. I'm okay now." He said

"Good, you could've died and the police might blame me for your murder case." I said, relieved

He just rolled his eyes. "You're lucky you're pretty." He mumbled

"Okay, since you already swallowed your food, almost killing yourself in the process, my name's Ji Rim." I smiled at him.

"Hey! I'm ali- ugh..nevermind. I'm Onew."

"Nice meeting you Onew." I started to walk away

He held me back. "Yah, you saved my life. I owe you." He said

"No, it's okay." I said.

"Let's go out, you did save my life." He smiled

Before I could say anything he pulled me all the way to an amusement park.

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