(For @amy-dc99) Got7 JB: Unforgettable First Impression

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Amy's POV

It's Christmas Eve and I was just walking through the rain. All alone. The rain fits the description to my life perfectly.
Cold, depressing and just..sad.

Did I do anything wrong to deserve this kind of life?

My boyfriend dumped me. My dad had stroke and is now paralyzed.
Great. A perfect life for a 16 year old teenage girl.

I'm young, and I should be having fun. Not having sad stories for myself. But I don't know.
Under these circumstances, I just..don't know.

I didn't realize that I almost died until I heard the honking of a car's horn and the blinding car light.
I just collapsed into the mud.

Someone went out of the car, and he held me close to him.

"Yah! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked

To be honest, I wasnt hit by the car at all. I wasn't hurt. Not physically at least.
I shook my head.

"You didn't hurt me. Reality did. I didn't deserve this life. It's depressing." I said as my hot tears mixed with the cool raindrops on my face
"What?" He asked
"Nevermind." I murmured then stood up.

"Wait." The guy said

I turned around.
"Let me make it up to you." He said
"Why?" I asked
"To make you at least smile on Christmas Eve." He said, smiling sheepishly

I just stared at him. "You won't be able to do that." I said then walked away.

I heard steps behind me. And a strong hand on my shoulder. "I bet you I would." He said
His face was close to mine. He has chinky eyes, a cute mouth, and adoring features. Handsome.

I just shrugged. Then he pulled me to a cafe'

We sat on a table and then we looked at the menu. "So, what would you like?" He asked
"A choco chip frappe I guess." I said
"Okay then." He went to the counter and ordered.

He came back to the table. And he started talking. What is his name by the way?
"JB." The barista called.

He stood up and went to get our orders. JB huh?

When he came back, I looked at him. "So your name's JB?" I asked
"Yeah. What about you?" He asked
"My name's Amy." I said as I took a sip of my frappe.

After the cafe' we went to the amusement park.
We rode on the roller coaster and I was screaming like hell. He was just laughing throughout the ride.
But the funny thing is, when we got off, JB went to the restroom and vomited.

We went to one of the stalls, the game was to make the stack of cups fall by hitting them with one ball.
JB tried. Once. Twice. But in his third try, he succeeded. I cheered for him. He seemed really proud.

I looked around to see which ride we'd go next. But then someone tapped my shoulder. I looked behind.
No one.

Where's JB? Then I looked forward again. And I was greeted by a stuffed panda.

"He's all yours." JB smiled at me
"Omo. Really?" I asked
"Yea. I won him for you." He smiled shyly
"Thanks." I smiled as I hugged the panda.

"Hey, you smiled." He said
"I'm happy I guess." I said.

Thanks to you, JB.


We went to one of the benches. What JB did surprised me. He put his arm on my shoulders.
What I did surprised me more. I placed my head on his shoulder.

Since it's almost Christmas, and snow kept falling, I could see couples in thick clothing cuddling against each other.

It was pretty awkward since JB and I aren't a couple.
The snow was beautiful. It was entrancing, and amazing.

I smiled. I noticed JB was staring at me.

I looked at him. "What is it?" I asked
He smiled shyly then pointed up.

Oh. *le blushes*

JB held my cheek then went closer. I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine.
I looked at him. And he was staring at me.

"Youre beautiful Amy." He said
"Thank you." I smiled then I heard the clock strike twelve.
"Merry Christmas Amy." He smiled
"Merry Christmas JB." I smiled back.

Then he did it. He kissed me. On Christmas Night, under the mistletoe.
Like, my whole life turned upside down in this one night, with this one guy.


Note: Sorry it took so long Amy! I got really busy, and then I got a major headache so..yea

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