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You get to work and sit in Alec's office. You realise how cold it is. You see one of his hoodies hung up on the hooks. You go over and grab it whilst closing the blinds. You sit back down whilst pulling on the long hoodie and search through the police data base until you find his ex wife.

DS Tess Hardy

You roll your eyes and keep searching. You find a contact linked to her account for a secondary school in Sandbrooke. It's also got Daisy Hardy linked to it too.

You click on Daisy's database and search through. It's got all the information you need.

You see her phone number and debate on calling her. You pick up your phone, dial in the number and press call.

The ringing continues for a while until someone finally arrives

Daisy: Hello
You: Hi. Is this Daisy Hardy?
Daisy: Yeah it is. Who's this?
You: Hi I'm DS (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). I work with your dad, Alec.
Daisy: Oh do you?
You: Yeah I do. Now, he's been very down lately and he's told me about how he doesn't see you that often.
Daisy: He doesn't want to see me. If he did he would have called by now.
You: He has called. So many times. I've only known him two months but I've caught him calling you at least 10 times.
Daisy: Really? I haven't had any calls.
You: He said your mum didn't want you seeing him.
Daisy: Well yeah, she doesn't
You: He needs to see you. You're one of the only people that he has left. You need to be there for your dad.
Daisy: Oh, I don't know. Mum won't like it.
You: Listen, it's your life Daisy so it's up to you. When you've decided, why don't you text me and if you want we can sort it out from there.
Daisy: Okay. I want to.
You: You wanna see him?
Daisy: Yeah.
You: Okay. I'll get it sorted and let you know when I can.
Daisy: Okay thank you. Bye.
You: Bye.

You go back onto the computer and begin researching trains from Sandbrooke to Broadchurch but you don't know when she'd come. You text her instead.

You: Hi. It's (Y/N). I'm looking at trains but I'm not sure when you're free. When's good for you?
Daisy: I've just broken up from school for summer so anytime really
You: Tonight, tomorrow? Whenever you like.
Daisy: I wanna see Dad ASAP. Tonight?
You: I'll book the train now and send the ticket to you. Are you gonna be okay to explain to your mum?
Daisy: Yeah. I'm 16 now. She can't stop me.
You: Okay. I'll send it to you as soon as I can.
Daisy: Okay. Thank you.
You: It's okay :)

You book the train for half 6 tonight so she gets here at 8. You send her the ticket and go home. You get back inside and Alec's watching a movie with Ellie in your room.

You go in and sit next to Alec.

"Did you finish it?"

"Yeah." You smile as you lean over him and put your phone on charge. You relax beside him and he wraps his arm around you.

After a few minutes, your phone buzzes signalling you have a message.

"What does my phone say?" You mumble sleepily, forgetting that you'd sent the ticket to Daisy.

"It's from a random number. It says I've printed it."

"Oh right." You nod quickly. "That's the paperwork."


"Oh yeah. I've got a surprise for you at 8"

"Really?" He smiles softly. You nod. "Will I like it?"

"Of course you will." You chuckle as he looks at his watch.

"Ugh. That's 3 hours time."

"Well let's watch another film and then I'm sure we can get going. Is she asleep?" He nods. "I'll take her to her bed."

You get up off of the bed and carry Ellie to her own room. You place her in the bed then go back to your own bed.

"Just you and me now." He smiles widely as you sit back on the bed. He pulls you close and wraps his arms around your waist. "Can you give me a clue to what the surprise is?"

"Nope. That'll give it away." You giggle as he kisses your neck.

"What do I need to do to get you give me a clue?" He smiles softly against your skin.

"I'm not giving it away!" He pouts and keeps kissing your neck. You giggle and squirm slightly. "Alec!"

"Okay..." he chuckles. "What film shall we watch?"

"What DVDs are by the TV? I can't be bothered to find any others..." You sigh. He sits up and peers over.

"Finding Nemo and Madagascar. They were gonna be for our movie marathon." He shrugs.

"Okay. I'll put on Finding Nemo." You climb off of the bed and put the DVD in. You press play and it begins. You climb back into the bed and into his arms.

-1.5 hours later-

The credits of the movie roll up the screen and Alec pouts.

"What's up?" You frown as you look up to him.

"I've gotta wait another hour and a half until I can know my surprise."

"I know. But it'll be worth it. I promise. Come on, let's put another movie on." You smile as you get off the bed. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you back onto the bed.

"Or we could do something else." He smirks slightly. He holds you close as he kisses you. You kiss him back.

His kisses get more passionate and you run your fingers through his hair. He starts snogging you. You sit back and laugh.

"You're like a school boy!" You laugh more.

"What?" He pouts.

"You shoved your tongue down my throat. I haven't had that since I was in school." You giggle.

"Oh. Sorry." He mumbles.

"It's okay. I just wasn't expecting it." You shrug. He starts kissing you again and to show that you're okay with it, you slip your tongue into his mouth. He understands and slips his tongue into your mouth.

You're snogging each other and he's holding you close. He turns over slightly so he's on top.

One of his legs is between your legs and his crotch is pushing against yours. One of his hands is on your hip and the other is cupping your face as he keeps snogging you.

He keeps grinding his crotch against yours and you can feel him getting hard. You slow down kissing him and rest your forehead against his.

"Is the this the best idea?" You giggle.

"It passes time, doesn't it?" He grins cheekily.

"Yeah but Ellie's next door. She could come in here. Imagine what she'd say to Steve!" Alec chuckles and kisses you softly.

"What can we do instead?" He sighs and you shrug in response. "I do have something that needs to be sorted out." He smirks as he pushes against you again, proving that he's hard.

"Okay. But if Ellie comes in, why was I
under the blanket?"

"You wanted it to be dark so you could sleep. She's five, (Y/N/N). It'll be fine."

Alec Hardy: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now