Christmas - Part 1

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[Christmas. That is all.]

A/N: Hello Writer's Block, nice to see you again.

"I'm back!" Cry called, entering the Institute. Dan's face appeared from the doorway of his room. "Did you find him?" Dan asked. Cry shook his head and Dan's face fell. "I'll go tell Matt and Steph. They're still looking." Dan ran off, leaving Cry alone. Jack had gone missing the day before and nobody knew where he was. They had even been so desperate as to go to Mark, but he was missing too.

Dan reappeared, followed by Stephanie. "Mission", he said, rushing past Cry to get into his suit. Steph gave him a small smile then trailed after Dan. Cry sighed and followed.

Jack giggled watching as-

-the villains raced into the street and Cry wondered, for the millionth time, where Jack was. Dan, Stephanie and him came face-to-face with the heroes. Matthew was silent in their earpieces. The villains waited. Then the heroes gave the order to attack-

-and Mark tapped Jack on the shoulder. The Irishman turned to face him. "Be quick. Meet back here", he whispered. Jack nodded, kissing him quickly and racing off. Mark headed in the opposite direction, hoping nobody would die for Jack and his' little joke.

Dan approached Phil, tossing a few fireballs near enough to the hero that it looked like they were fighting. "Any luck with Mark?" Dan asked, tossing some fire next to Phil's foot. The hero quenched it then half-heartedly shot some water at him. "None. He didn't even leave a note on the fridge. Jack?" Phil asked, randomly throwing water everywhere. "Nothing", Dan sighed. "They'll turn up", Phil said optimistically. Dan shrugged.

His earpiece crackled to life suddenly and he heard Matthew's frantic voice come through. "Dan! Cry's preoccupied with Ken but Felix and Marzia have Stephanie cornered." "Got it", Dan said, glancing over at Phil. Go, he mouthed. Dan nodded, racing over to where Stephanie had her back against a wall. The two heroes approached her, backed up by a large army of random objects. Dan cursed. "Matt I can't get to her!"

"Find a way dammit!" Matthew responded angrily. Dan cussed again, throwing fireballs at the objects. Flames rose and Dan's vision filled with smoke. He didn't give a damn about Felix and Marzia but he was fireproof and Steph was not. He dove into the flames, emerging later with a coughing Stephanie. Her suit was scorched and she had a minor burn on her forehead, but she seemed ok.

"That's o-one way of d-dealing with them", Stephanie coughed. "Thank God", Matthew sighed in their earpieces. He cleared his throat. "I mean uh, go help Cry." Dan snickered and Stephanie rolled her eyes, grinning. They ran to join their masked friend. Ken was leaping around as a wolf, snarling and snapping at seemingly nothing. The cries of pain told them otherwise. The wolf leaped and bit into something. A line of red fell to the ground and Cry appeared, a large gash in his arm, backing away from Ken.

Dan ran to Cry's side, putting an arm around his shoulders and supporting him. Stephanie took control of Ken, forcing him to run off, presumably back to the Curatrix. "Why couldn't you have done that when you were being cornered?" Dan exclaimed. "I panicked", Stephanie mumbled, looking down at her feet. "It's fine", Dan said quickly. "You're fine. We're all fine. Everything's fine." She grinned, looking back up at him.

"Alright, stop cheating on me and get back here", Matthew grumbled in their earpieces. Steph laughed, running back towards the Institute. Dan and Cry took it slower, Dan no longer supporting the other but still cautious.

Mark and Jack exchanged a worried glance. "I didn't think they'd get hurt", Jack whispered, tears glistening in his eyes. Mark moved in to hug him, Jack burying his face in Mark's chest. "We can't have expected them to just talk it out", Mark murmured, gently rubbing Jack's back. "We still have the plan to carry out and our friends are almost back. We need to go. I'll see you soon ok?" Jack looked up at him, didn't say anything.

"Jack?" Mark prompted, gently pulling away. "Yeah", the Irishman said finally. "Yeah, ok." He kissed Mark once more before sprinting off, arriving in the Institute and walking to the living room. In the doorway stood his friends. Cry was cursing repeatedly, Dan gasped in shock, Matthew stared around in awe and Stephanie was laughing her head off. "What's so funny Steph?" Jack asked, stepping into the light.

A/N: YAYYYYY CLIFFHANGERS. Part 2 comes out in a week or so. Maybe a day. I don't know.

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