Christmas - Part 2

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[Still just Christmas yaaaayyyy]

The room was filled with decorations and a huge Christmas tree stood in the corner, glowing with flashing lights. "The fact that Matthew was here the whole time and didn't hear you arranging this is what's so funny", Stephanie giggled. "How did you know?" Jack questioned curiously. "I saw you placing the order for the tree", Stephanie replied, gesturing at the massive Christmas tree in the corner. "And when you disappeared, I put two and two together", she continued.

"You didn't tell us?" Dan exclaimed, turning to her. "You didn't tell me?" Matthew whined. Stephanie put her hands on his chest and smiled cheekily up at him. "You would have stopped them", she said sweetly. Dan laughed at Matthew's star-struck expression. "Oh God she's hypnotized him", Dan chuckled. Jack laughed and Cry instantly swung around to face him, taking a threatening step forward.

"You're going to get beaten for this", he growled. "And Steph's going to get beaten too. Because you did something stupid. It'll kind of dampen the mood when the ornaments have both of your bloodstains all over it." "Cry", Dan said angrily. "Stephanie found out by accident. And Jack was trying to raise the spirit of Christmas since you always bring it down with your whining! So shut up and enjoy it before they're taken down!"

Cry stared at him for a moment before punching Dan square in the jaw. Dan went down, dazed. "Cry what the fuck man?!" Jack cried, stepping forward and grabbing him. Cry wrestled himself free and dived on Jack, straddling him and raining down punches. Stephanie cried out and tried to intervene but Matthew pulled her to his side, shaking his head.

One of the boss' henchmen charged into the room, raising a gun. Everyone froze. The henchman pointed the gun at Cry. "Get off him", he said coldly. Cry got up, raising his hands slowly. Jack sat up, groaning. He had a black eye, his lip was split and his nose was bleeding. "You!" the henchman cried, wheeling around and aiming at Stephanie.

"The boss told me I could shoot you if I wanted, or if I was feeling merciful, to send you to him." Stephanie pressed herself harder into Matthew's side, her face paling. "If you come along quietly, I'll tell him I felt a little mercy." Steph nodded, glancing up at Matthew, before following the henchman. Matthew sat down heavily on the sofa, hiding his face in his hands.

"They're going to kill her", he said softly. He raised his head suddenly, glaring at Cry. "They're going to kill her and all you can think about is how 'stupid' Jack was! Well, newsflash idiot, you're the stupid one for attacking Dan just because he pointed out the obvious!" Matt yelled. A gunshot rang out from the corridor and he slumped, going ashen-white and beginning to sob into his hands.

Another gunshot rang around the room and Jack dropped to his knees, tears spilling from his eyes. Dan closed his eyes and breathed heavily as Cry froze in place. The four men stayed quiet, the only sound was Matthew's soft sobs as the one he loved was shot a few rooms away.

Mark fucked up. There was no other way to say it. He strolled into the meeting room, saw his friends disbelieving faces and instantly cringed. "Uhhh... Hey..." he said slowly. Everyone stared at him. Finally, Felix started to chuckle, until he was practically rolling on the floor laughing. Even Marzia backed away.

"Mark... this... this is... great", Felix gasped. There was a huge Christmas tree, presents, tinsel, stockings for each of them, everything. "Yeah", Matthias said, starting to chuckle. "It's awesome. Really lifts our spirit. Thanks Mark." "Yeah thanks Mark, we needed this", Phil smiled. Mark breathed a mental sigh of relief. They each said their thanks and dispersed, heading home for the day. Mark chose to remain in the Curatrix and had someone bring his dog in.

Chica curled up next to him on the couch and Mark ran his fingers through her fur as he worried about Jack and what he was going through.

There was shouting from the boss' room and a loud crashing noise. Matthew hugged his knees and stared blankly at the wall, eyes bloodshot. Dan sat next to him hand on his shoulder and muttering encouraging words that went unnoticed. Jack sat on the floor by Dan's feet. Cry was nowhere to be found.

A door banged open and Stephanie stumbled into the room, bloody hands clutching at her shoulder and gasping for breath. There was a bullet hole in her leg that was bleeding profusely. Her shoulder shared a similar wound but was much worse, pumping blood that spilled between her fingers. Her face was scratched and bruised, and she collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily.

Matthew rushed forward, cleaning her wounds with a cloth and calling to the others to help him. Dan grabbed another cloth and held it to the leg wound. Jack grabbed painkillers, gauze and bandages from the kitchen. Stephanie just stared unresponsively at the carpet, her eyes dim and face blank.

She still wasn't responding when they finished bandaging her. Matthew was crying, hastily wiping away the tears and trying to get her to talk. Nothing. She didn't move.

A/N: End of Part 2 woooooo. Part 3 in a few minutes maybe woooo. And I drew Jack, Mark and Felix as Cuphead characters because I desperately need a hobby.

 And I drew Jack, Mark and Felix as Cuphead characters because I desperately need a hobby

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