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[Based off a thing I found on Instagram]

"Hey guys", Dan said innocently, walking into the living room. "Why did you say that innocently?" Jack said immediately. "He did say it pretty innocently", Stephanie agreed, from where her head was resting in Matthew's lap. "I might be up to something", Dan said smugly. "Oh God everybody run and hide", Cry muttered. "Can't run... too... comfortable", Steph groaned, stretching.

"What're you planning?" Matthew asked suspiciously. "I found a game we could play", Dan said proudly. "Ah Jesus what is it?" Jack asked. "It's called Paranoia. The rules are simple; we sit in a circle then whoever goes first whispers a question to the person on their right. The person on the right answers the question out loud. No-one else knows the question. Then you flip a flip-flop on the air and if it lands face down the asker says nothing and the group is left wondering what the question was. If it lands face up, the asked says the question aloud to the group. Sound fun?"

"Yeah all right. We need something to do anyways. Everybody get in a circle", Cry said. Dan was on Jack's right, Matthew on Dan's, Steph on Matthew's, Cry on Steph's and Jack on Cry's. "Who's going first?" "Me! Meeee!" Dan yelled, sticking his hand in the air. "Yeah ok. Dan."

Dan grinned impishly, whispering something in Matthew's ear. Matthew blushed slightly, glancing to his right. "Uh Stephanie." She glanced over at him curiously and he turned an even deeper shade of red. Dan tossed the flip-flop. It landed face down and Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, then leaned over and whispered something to Stephanie. "Jack obviously", she grinned. Matthew laughed. "Fair enough", he said, throwing the flip-flop.

Face up. "You're on a hunt for a pot of gold. Who in the circle do you bring?" "I reckon Jack knows his way around a rainbow", Stephanie smirked. "LGTBTQ FOR THE WIN!" Jack screeched. Stephanie rolled her eyes and whispered to Cry. "Uh, I, uhhh, no", he stuttered. Stephanie flipped the flop. Face down. "Oh thank God", Cry sighed, whispering to Jack. Jack flushed bright red. "Mark", he whispered, his voice strangled. Cry threw the flip-flop.

Face up. "Oh fuck me", Jack murmured. "Who did you lose your virginity to?" Cry laughed. "Oh my God Cry", Dan choked, tears spilling out of his eyes and clutching his sides. Jack flushed even darker red, if that was possible, and whispered to Dan.

This went on for some time. The end. Wooo.

A/N: Absolutely horrible filler chapter because I'm so tired that I can barely remember my name. Cool. I'll give a shoutout to anyone that can guess what Dan asked Matthew and what Stephanie asked Cry because I'm bored af. Peace.

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