A Genuine Thank You (Not a Chapter lol)

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So. Here we are. 600 or so reads. Who'd a thunk it? But I need to thank 3 people. This isn't a thank you based on how many reads I got, this is because you're awesome people that deserve love and attention.

AngelWingInspiration - I mean come on! If anyone deserves some love it's her. Probably the best written works I've seen on this site.

TimeTravelingMew - cuz the Rant Book made me snort lol.

And finally...

Drumroll please!

Actually we don't need it, you can guess who it is.


Lol no.

ThatOneBookworm2005 - I mean look at this smol bean! So imma go on a bit of a rant here because I want to make you cry like a baby.

Your constant support and replies to my stupid little comments mean the world to me. The fact that you even speak to me is astonishing, but now we're collaborating (note to self: finish next chapter you fool) and you ask me my opinion on the next masterpiece you're creating.

We ranted about NatePat that one time, I got offended because you thought I was British, we gush over how much of a cinnamon roll Matthew is...

Look it's been great. Are you crying yet?

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