The Replacements - Part 3

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The villains ran into the street. There, the two new heroes, Knave and Andrew, were facing off against the anti-heroes with Felix. "What're we doing Matthew?" Bonnie asked. Matthew ignored her, speaking instead to the other villains. "Get Felix. Bring him back here, preferably unharmed. Peepachu, peepa peepa." "Peepa!" Peepachu exclaimed. "Peepa", Matthew responded coldly.

"Oh wonderful", Felix said, seeing the villains in his peripheral vision. "Knave, you wanna take them?" "No", she said, pulling away from the fight. "But I'll do it."

She ambled over to the villains. Excited, calm, impatient... where's the fourth- GODDAMNIT. She fell backwards as the green-haired villain, sped past her, knocking her to the floor. "There you are", Knave groaned, getting up warily. The villain, Jack, grabbed the front of her hoodie and slammed her against a wall. "Not wearing a suit?" he asked. "Is this really the time to be talking about this? From one Irishman to the other, can we call it quits?"

Jack threw her to the floor, hard. "You talk too much", he said, looking down at her. "Yeah, so I've been told", Knave grumbled, putting a hand to her aching head. Jack sped away. Shaking her head, Knave propped herself up on one elbow. The nearest person to her was that tall anti-hero guy, Wade. She reached out her arm and he stiffened, then roared, charging towards the nearest person.

Jack stopped running when he heard the roar. He looked back and saw Wade charging at Felix. He heard cursing and Felix yelling at Knave. "You idiot!" he screamed, jumping out of the way of a bullet. "Why would you make him angry at me?!" "I can't make him angry at specific people! Now just turn him toward a villain and quit screaming at me while I've a headache!" came the pissed-off reply.

Jack almost laughed until he saw Wade charging towards Bonnie, who was otherwise occupied with Andrew. "Not her! Someone else!" Knave called, but Wade had already reached Bonnie. Jack briefly heard Knave curse before he ran in front of Wade, sending a fist into the anti-hero's chest and running a little bit away; far enough not to be punched, but close enough that Wade zeroed in on him instead of Bonnie.

But Wade didn't plan on punching, because he had a gun, and too late Jack saw the gun being drawn and a sharp pain in his stomach. He fell to his knees, head slumping forward a bit. "Peepachu, Cry! Get Jack back here!" came Matthew's distant cry. Jack's eyesight was already fading; the last thing he saw was Cry and Peepachu heading towards him and Bonnie running over to the hero on the ground.

Bonnie hurried over to Knave, who was leaning on her elbow, arm outstretched. "Give me three seconds", she muttered when Bonnie approached her. Behind them, Wade blinked, confused. He shook his head and ran off in the direction the other anti-heroes had gone in. "That was fun", she sighed, looking up at Bonnie and grinning. "You almost killed me!" she replied, crossing her arms. "Correction; Felix almost killed you. I watched." "You made Wade mad." "And you didn't, congratulations. Help me up?"

Bonnie sighed, holding out a hand. Knave took it and practically jumped to her feet. "You didn't need my help you sneaky basta-" "Hey, hey, no need for the big boy words." "You curse all the time." "Mainly as Gaeilge." "Wut." "Don't worry 'bout it."

"Where've the rest of the heroes gone?" Bonnie asked. Knave looked around, surprised. "Eh. Who knows, who cares? I blocked Andrew's number so it'll be grand. Coffee?" "No way, last time you left me with the bill." "Can we at least go to the park? There's a playground." "You're bored aren't you?" "I need constant distraction. Shall we?" "Unfortunately."

Somehow, in all the mess of fighting the anti-heroes, Cry had managed to grab Felix and knock him unconscious. Now, Matthew and Peepachu stood over Stephanie's grave, the conked-out hero at their feet. "Are you sure about this?" Peepachu asked. "Definitely", Matthew responded, gazing down at the headstone. "And if it works? Will you actually speak to Bonnie?" "Why are you so worried about her?" "Second-cousins." "Seriously?" "Why would I lie?"

"Shall we begin?" Matthew asked. Peepachu looked down at Felix. "We shall", he said reluctantly. "Slit his throat", Peepachu ordered. "Make sure the blood falls onto the grave and headstone. Then cover your ears and look away. Understand?" Matthew nodded, crouching beside Felix and pulling a knife. "I'm sorry", he whispered.

He dragged Felix up by the back of his supersuit, then cut the man's throat.

"So", Knave said, sitting cross-legged on top of the monkey bars. "How come you joined the villains?" Bonnie shrugged from her position on the swing. "I don't know. I needed a job but nobody took me in because they all suck. Also, I was kidnapped." "Fair enough", Knave laughed. "What about you? Why the heroes?" "I was going to double cross them." "Jesus", Bonnie breathed.

"I was aiming to join the villains but you got there before me." "Are you still going to double cross them?" Knave shrugged. "I don't know. This was before I met Andrew. He's admittedly way too overprotective but... I dunno. He's like an annoying older brother. The rest of the heroes are really cool too, but it's kind of boring when I constantly want to be moving."

The blood dropped onto the headstone, and pattered onto the dirt. "Look away", Peepachu warned, holding out both of his arms. "And cover your ears!" Matthew nodded, getting a brief glimpse of a steadily growing ball of white light emerging from between Peepachu's outstretched hands before turning away. Felix's body was crumpled next to the grave. Matthew tried to ignore the hand that nudged his shoe.

Knave was hanging upside down by her legs on the monkey bars, gently swinging back and forth. She was talking about her life back in Ireland, the smokers and drunks that she saw stumbling around when she walked through Dublin City, going to the pantomime in the theatre, her family's insistence on eating potatoes. Bonnie listened, occasionally laughing at the younger girl's rage at untrue stereotypes.

The ground suddenly starting shaking. Knave squeaked with fright at the sudden movement, falling off the monkey bars and landing painfully on her neck. Bonnie almost chuckled, but was too busy clutching onto the bar of the swings to steady herself. The shaking stopped as suddenly as it had begun.

"I-It's done", Peepachu said wearily. "Did you seriously cause that earthquake? What the hell did you do?" Matthew exclaimed, turning to face him. "What you asked", the boy muttered. "Dig her up before she suffocates will you?" With that, Peepachu collapsed.

"Christ in a bathtub", Knave groaned from the ground. "A bathtub?" Bonnie questioned, steadying herself and walking over to her. "Don't question my random cusses. Help?" For the second time that day, Bonnie reached out a hand and pulled her collapsed friend off the floor. "Oh my God pain!" Knave cried, grabbing at her neck. "Why would you make this for children?! Where's the logic??!!!" She angrily kicked the monkey bars, only to stub her toe and fall to the ground yet again, cussing like a sailor.

Matthew scrabbled at the thin layer of dirt that was left over the coffin. Inside, he could hear muffled cries for help that were steadily growing weaker. With one last sweep of the hand, the wooden box was revealed.

Knave guiltily looked up at Bonnie. "Uh. I would say 'help' but..." "No way, José. You're on your own." Knave grunted and scrambled to her feet, trying not to move her neck. "I should go. Mom-drew and Felix are probably gonna ground me." "Yeah. See you later." Knave waved then ran off, occasionally cursing at her injured neck. Bonnie shook her head, laughing, then headed back to the Institute.

Matthew got his fingers under the rim of the coffin, and with one last heave-

A/N: AHAHAHAHAH! The world will never know! Until tomorrow. Or today. It's 00:33 GMT sooo... today. Peace.

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