The Replacements - Part 2

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[10 million years later, Ciara finally gets inspiration to continue this]

Knave casually flipped a knife in the air, not even blinking when the blade nicked her skin, over and over. Andrew glanced over at her. "What are you doing, Guileful?" he said, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. "Being bored", she replied, spinning the knife faster. "Your hand is dripping with red. That is not being bored."

"You know, that's the most I've ever heard you speak", Matthias said, walking into the room. Andrew flushed slightly, taking his gray eyes off Knave's red palm. "And Knave, listen to him. I'll get Phil-" "Leave water boy alone. Just clean off the blood and leave it to heal", Knave sighed. Matthias frowned but didn't press her.

"Mission status. I want to hear it from the both of you." "Went pretty well", Andrew muttered. "Did you see the new people?" Knave said excitedly, suddenly filled with life. "The yellow guy and the randomer? They're so cool!" "Focus Guileful", Andrew said quietly. "Right, yeah. Uh, I don't know what the girl can do, but she was able to resist my power. Maybe I was off my game, I dunno. But Yellow... he put his hands on my head and... I could feel my life leaving me. Every single part of me, I could feel it shutting down. It was... unsettling..."

Andrew put a hand on her arm as she stared at the floor. Matthias raised an eyebrow. The two had grown strangely close in a short amount of time. Andrew allowed Knave to do the speaking for him, but stopped her if she spoke too much. They're a good impact on each other, Matthias thought. They work together easily. That could be useful.

"So avoid the yellow guy because he has some control over death. Got it. Thanks you two", Matthias said. Knave's head snapped up and she grinned mischievously at him as he left.

"That went well", Matthew said as the villains gathered in the living room. Him and Peepachu were sitting on the couch together, Jack was sitting cross-legged on the floor with Bonnie and Cry was leaning against a wall.

"Who were the new heroes? The short ones?" Jack asked. "Apparently their names are Andrew, no last name given, and Knave Guileful. Knave is the younger one, but she's taller. She was born in Ireland. Andrew is American, I believe. As for their powers, Andrew... electricity. 'Nuff said. Knave is more complicated. She can manipulate emotions, but overusing her power means her brain implodes", Matthew said, typing furiously on his phone.

"Peepa?" asked Peepachu, peering over his shoulder to look at the phone screen. "Peep. Peepa peepa peepa. Peepa", Matthew clarified. He looked up at the others. "He asked what I was looking at. I hacked into their computers and saw the files for the newbies." Bonnie nodded, impatiently drumming her fingers on the floor, but unspeaking. She has way too much energy for an introvert, Cry quietly noticed.

"Are we finished? I want to go for a walk or something", Bonnie said in a quiet voice. "The boss wants to speak to you first", Matthew said, barely looking at her. She knew why, they all knew why. Wordlessly, Bonnie got up and walked to the boss' room.

"Ah", he said when she entered. "Satbani." Bonnie nodded but didn't say anything. "One of the new recruits. Mission report. Now." Quickly, Bonnie recounted fighting with Peepachu against Felix before the blonde hero tried to stop her, repelling the blonde's weird emotion attack thing and Peepachu nearly killing the hero. "You may leave. Send in 'Peepachu'" the Boss said. Bonnie nodded again and tipped off Peepachu, before leaving the Institute and heading out into the streets.

A small music shop caught her eye. Bonnie stepped in, glancing around at the instruments. She ran her hand over a piano before she heard the sound of someone strumming a guitar. Following the sound, at the back of the shop she saw the blonde hero slumped on a stool, playing the instrument. The hood of the hero's baggy green hoodie stopped her from seeing Bonnie as she watched silently.

The hero nodded to herself, then started playing Ed Sheeran's 'Photograph'. Bonnie must have made some kind of noise because the hero looked up halfway through the song, startled. "Uh", she said, putting down the guitar and pushing her hood back. "H-Hey", Bonnie stuttered. They looked at each other for a moment. "I'm guessing you're Knave", Bonnie said, breaking the silence.

"At your service", the girl grinned. "And you?" "Satbani. But I prefer Bonnie if it's alright with you?" "Why wouldn't it be? It's grand." A few more moments of silence. "It's weird not fighting isn't it?" "You mean me kicking your butt, yeah. This may sound a bit weird but are you up for a drink or something?"

Bonnie was taken aback by this but nodded. "Uh sure." "Sweet", Knave grinned, grabbing her by the wrist and practically dragging her out of the store. "I have legs you know", Bonnie complained. "So do I. It doesn't make a difference."

A/N: Similar to how Dan met Phil, but without the romance. It's more of a friendship than a warship loaded with fangirls.

"She isn't answering her phone", Andrew grumbled, crossing his arms. "Relax bro. You're like an overprotective mom", Felix grinned. "And so, Mom-drew was born", Mark chuckled. Andrew glared at him. "Yes?" Mark said innocently, batting his eyelashes and smiling sweetly. "Shut up", Andrew muttered. "Sorry Mom-drew." "Oh boy, you're grounded for sure now", Felix said.

"I hate you all." "But how can you resist this face?!" Felix cried, grabbing Mark's face and shoving it towards Andrew. "It won't be hard." "Damn", Mark said, reclaiming his face. "Harsh. But if you're oh-so-worried about little baby Knave, I'll try calling her. Ok?" Andrew nodded.

Mark dialed and put it on speaker. "What?" came the annoyed voice. "Where the hell are you?" Andrew asked. "Oh hi Mom. I'm safe I swear." "Why didn't you answer my calls?" "I blocked your number. Sorry Mom, please don't take away my phone, I'll be a good girl!" "Why the hell would you block my number??!" "You're too overprotective. Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean you can baby me."

"You better get your booty back here Knave. Mom-drew is about to blow a fuse", Mark said. "Mom-drew? You've been busy. And if you must know where I am, turn around." Andrew whipped around to see a smirking Knave staring at him. Mark hung up, laughing.

"What were you doing?" Andrew asked. "Jesus, enough with the questions! I made a friend, took them for hot chocolate, left said friend with the bill and exited the coffee shop with the sound of death threats still fresh in my mind." "What friend?" "Didn't I say enough questions? I can ground you too, you know." "I'd like to see you try." Knave grinned, holding out her hand.

A wave of weariness washed over Andrew, and although his body wasn't tired, his mind screamed at him to take a nap. Preferably for the rest of the day. "I'm going to take a nap", he muttered, staggering towards the nearest sofa. Knave laughed, pulling out her knife and flipping it in the air again.

"Wow. He never shuts up around you does he?" Felix said with admiration. "He doesn't speak much, but as soon as you arrive on the scene, bam!" Knave mock-bowed, still twirling the blade. "It's because I can get him out of whatever hole he digs himself into while he speaks, but when I'm not there he has to choose his words."

"Doesn't that hurt?" Mark asked suddenly. "What? My eardrums from the blabbering? You get used to it", Knave shrugged. "No, the knife-flipping. You keep re-opening the wounds." "Gross", Felix muttered. "I don't really care how much it hurts", Knave said, slightly slowing down her speech for once.

"And really, again with the random questions? I get 'em way too much; 'If you're Irish, why is your accent American?' I don't know! 'Why do you always wear the same green hoodie?' Because I own it. 'How long does it take for you to eat a 16" pizza?' Five minutes." "That started out with a complaint then spiraled off into I don't even know what", Felix said. Mark nodded in agreement. "Whatever", Knave muttered. "I'm going to wake up Sleeping Beauty, without the smooches." She stormed out of the room.

Matthew pulled Peepachu aside. "What would it cost to bring someone back from the dead?" he asked in Peepachu's weird language. He didn't know how he knew it; it just came naturally. "Too much", the boy responded. "Just tell me!" "A sacrifice. You aren't really considering this are you?" Matthew didn't respond.

A/N: I accidentally made Knave exactly like me ('cept I can't play guitar but whatever). Oops.

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