Cinnamon Roll

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[I think we all know who the cinnamon roll is ;)]

Jack raced back to the Institute, still reeling from the last clash against the heroes. He caught up with the other villains just as they entered the Institute. They were greeted by a bruised-looking Matthew. Dan raised an eyebrow at his disheveled appearance. "He blamed me for failing to capture Felix. I couldn't really refuse", Matthew shrugged, wincing slightly.

Stephanie led him away and Cry stormed to the Boss' office. Dan and Jack changed out of their suits and collapsed in the living room. "Hey Jack?" Dan asked. "Mm?" "Can you- can you remember anything about Ireland? At all?" Jack frowned, shifting slightly. "Not much", he said slowly. "I don't even remember my parent's names. I think I had siblings... I don't know. I remember we lived on a farm. I still have the flat cap from living there."

Dan nodded, mulling it over. "What about you? Remember much from JOLLY OL' ENGLAND?" He screamed the last part, making Dan wince and grin. "Nothing", Dan said. "I remember arriving here though." Jack shuddered. "We were just kids", he said quietly. "What kind of psychopaths would do that?"

"The same psychopath that wants you in his office", Stephanie said, leaning against the doorway. Jack groaned slightly, heading down the hallway. Dan looked at her. She had bruises on her arm and a small cut on her face but didn't seem too bothered by it. "What about you Steph? Do you remember anything?"

"It's kind of hazy. I remember being the last one here before Matt and Ryan..." she said. "Yeah. Cry and Matthew were the first,", Dan said. "That's what you get for having an evil genius as a father", Matthew said, entering the room and sitting down beside Dan. "Matt you remember everything right? About your life and time before you came here?" Matthew tensed and Stephanie looked over, frowning a little.

"Yeah", Matt said after a moment. "Yes. Yes, I do. I wish I didn't but... yeah." "So what was it like?" Dan asked eagerly, leaning forward. "Was your-" "Ok Dan stop", Stephanie interrupted, giving him a look. Matthew was shaking slightly beside him and Dan shut his mouth, looking down guiltily. "It's fine, he's allowed to ask", Matt said quietly. Dan instantly shook his head. "Matthew I didn't want to be pushy, I'm sorry."

Matthew waved away the apology with an airy but still slightly shaky hand. "It's fine, it's fine. I do remember. I remember living in Ohio, my dad moving away. He came back for me, when Mom was out. I went with him, I thought we were going on a day trip." He laughed bitterly. "It was a bit more than that. And after that... well. You know what happened."

Dan stared in silence at him. The fact that only Matthew was able to recall every exact detail of his life while the others desperately searched for a memory to hold onto, it was kind of depressing, to say the least. Jack trudged back into the room and Matthew hurriedly stood up to give him his seat, sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"Thanks", Jack groaned, sinking down into the couch and slumping back. "What'd he do?" Dan asked, examining Jack for any signs of abuse. There were bruises around his neck and on his arms but nothing severe. "Just bruises", Jack muttered. "How come he stabs me but not you guys? He's sexist as well as a psychopath?" Stephanie whined. "We're special little beansprouts. And Matthew is a cinnamon roll that shouldn't be stabbed", Jack declared. Matthew leaned away from Jack, hiding his face in his hands. "And I do deserve to be stabbed? How is that fair?" Stephanie cried.

"Yeah but look at this cinnamon roll! How could anybody ever think of torturing this poor soul?" Jack said, gesturing at Matthew, who grinned sheepishly. "Obviously I wouldn't want anything to happen to Matthew. But I don't exactly want to be stabbed either." "So which would you rather? Matthew getting beat up or being stabbed?" Dan grinned. "Stabbed", she said immediately. Matthew frowned, but stayed quiet.

"Anybody seen Cry?" Jack asked after a moment's silence. There was a collective shake of heads and a few murmurs, but nobody had seen him. Stephanie quietly slipped out of the room as they began discussing Matthew and how cinnamon roll-ish he was. She hurried to Cry's room, where she knocked gently. "Go away", came the surly reply. "Cry, we're worried about you", she persisted.

The door opened. Stephanie saw the flash of two gray eyes and a glowing face before a mask was snapped on. She blinked. "What was that?" she asked. "True emotion", Cry said monotonously. "It's the opposite of turning invisible. That's why I wear a mask, I'd be even more useless to my father if I didn't."

"What did he say? Why are you all clustered away?" "Stop asking questions", Cry said, his voice sharp. "Cry-" "Just shut up! Just shut up ok? This is why I'm 'all clustered away'; because I don't need you guys barging in here and asking me questions that I don't want to answer!" "Ok, if you-" Cry punched her, hard, in the face.

Stephanie took a step backwards, hand to her eye which was already turning purple. "Look, I'm sorry, ok? I'm not always in control but if you would just leave me alone-" Stephanie walked away, back to the living room, leaning against the doorframe and staring at the floor with her arms crossed, frowning slightly. Cry wasn't always so hostile. Something big must have happened to him. The boss maybe?

"What happened to your eye?" Matthew asked, suddenly in front of her. "Nothing", she mumbled. "Please?" he pleaded, giving her the puppy-eyes. "Huh. You are a cinnamon roll. Fine. It was Cry." She put a hand on his arm as his expression suddenly became angry. "Don't. He's... unstable right now." "But he still hit you?" "Don't worry about it. It only hurts when I poke it." "Why would you poke it?" "Exactly."

A/N: I just realized now that I make Cry a jackass in all of these. And I write too much Stephew. Sue me.

The Replacements Part 2 will be our soon, I just wanted to throw down a crappy filler chapter so I wouldn't fall behind too much.

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