Jang 6

377 17 5

I wake up to my alarm clock not going off. "Andwae!!!!!" I fake cry to myself. I'm late for work again. Yesterday my alarm wasn't set and this time it got unplugged. I look at the outlet on the wall and down at the cord on the floor. I mentally facepalm at my life.

"What has my life become?" I ask myself and get out of bed. I take my time showering and eating my breakfast. I check the time and I'm already 2 hours late. Hopefully I'm pretty good at acting. I grab my phone off the counter and call my manager.

"Hello, Yoongmin Cream! How may I help you?" I hear on the other side of the phone."Uh..Yes..This is Sana." I hear a sigh. "WHY ARE YOU NOT HERE!?" My manager screams at me through the phone. I quickly think of an excuse. "I was helping at my grandma's house cause she has cancer and is going to pass soon."

I say to my manager while crossing my fingers. "Ah..I'm sorry to hear this Sana. Take all the time you need." I feel my smile get bigger and bigger. "She isn't coming in?" I hear a voice I know. "Who is that?" I ask and the manager quickly says her goodbyes and hangs up.

"W-What...?" I think to myself. I'm still in my towel by the time I hear a knock on the door. My eyes widen as I hear the same voice at my door. "What. How?" I say to myself as I slowly walk towards the door. "SANA HELLO!? I KNOW YOUR HERE!!" I jump and answer back. "N-Ne... I'm coming."

"Hey." Taehyung says to me as I open the door. "Hi.." I say back shyly. He gives me a box smile and walks past me. I close the door and follow him into my apartment. He sets down his bag and sits on the couch. I sit beside him cause it's the only seat I have and wait for him to say anything.

"I called your work and heard your conversation with your manager cause she clicked the wrong button. Instead of putting me on hold she added you to the call." So that's why I heard his voice on the phone. "Oh.. How did you know I was at home?" I ask him and he laughs.

"Your the worst liar I know." He states bluntly making my eye twitch. I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I fill up a glass and start to fill up another for Taehyung. "I'm gonna share with you Sana-Chan." He coo's to me sweetly and goes back to looking at his phone.

I grab his glass and leave it in the sink and walk towards him with our drink. I set it down on the counter and walk towards my room. I pick out some clothes and start to dress. After I put on  my undergarments I go my bathroom across the hall and start on my makeup.

I turn around to smack right into the door. I almost fall over but grab onto what is closest. I looked up at the person I was holding. "S-Sorry Sana!!" I just hold my head and awkwardly smile. "A-Ah it's okay." I move my hands back and forth quickly trying to calm him. "I will get a ice pack."

He runs out of the bathroom quickly leaving me alone. I didn't really care that he just hit me with a door but the fact that he gets so worried. I smile to myself and walk across the hall to my room. I start to put on my clothes as Taehyung walks in. We make eye contact but his time his whole face is red like a tomato.

He quickly sets the ice pack down and walks out, closing the door behind him. I sigh to myself and continue getting dressed. I then start to straighten my damp hair.

Taehyung P.O.V
*10 minutes before*

I get up from the couch and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I don't know why but when I'm here it feels like home. I stare at the ground as I walk down the hall. I open the door and hear a loud bang. I look behind the door and my eyes widen in fear. Sana stands there almost naked, holding her now swollen head.

"S-Sorry Sana!!" I quickly say and look at her head. "A-Ah it's okay." She says while nervously waving her hands to calm me down. I just try my best to smile and drool over here body. I need to get out of here before I do something regretful. "I will get a ice pack." I quickly run out of the bathroom towards the kitchen.

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