Jang 8

360 15 2

He slowly walks back up the stairs. We make eye contact when he reaches my floor. "T-Taehyung..." I say but I come to a halt. I'm at a complete mess of questions and answers. I break eye contact and walk back into my apartment. He follows before I close the door and try to forget him.

"Did you think I left?" He immediately asks me after closing the door and locking it. "Yeah. I did." I say bluntly feeling my heart broken. Him laughing at it, making it a joke hurts me. I feel my eyes water and blink quickly.

He notices and hugs me. I hear his heart beating fast and I almost gasp at how warm he is. "A-Are you okay?" He nods and sits on the couch after letting go of me. "Arasso." He says and coughs. "Are you sure you don't have a temperature?" I ask him and totally forget I'm upset with him.

"I mean you did just suck a lot of my blood.." He states and grabs the remote. He turns on the tv and takes of his jacket and shows his white; bloody t-shirt. He grabs the bottom of my jacket and I fall on top of him. "Now we can cuddle." He states and sets me in his lap.

He raps my arms around him and starts to kiss me. I immediately pull away from his kiss as some teeth come out and bite my lip. "YAH!" I scream at him while I'm in pain. "AHH!!" He screams and jumps cause I scared him. "Head ass." I say and get off him.

He looks at me flabbergasted. "Since you took my blood, I'm taking some of yours too..." He laughs at me and gets up off the sofa. "..I promise it will feel good." He says and grabs me and starts kissing me. He pushes us against the wall and I almost knock over my tv.

Pulls away and smiles at me. He pecks my lips a couple more times and leads me backwards down the hall. He pushes me against my bedroom door 🚪. I quickly jump up as he slaps my thighs. I giggle and kiss him again. "Thinking about it, I have sex a lot. I don't think I'm gonna take it that far." I think to myself after opening my door.

He carries me to my bed and kisses me again. Then He slowly takes off my striped long sleeved crop top and immediately goes for my neck. I jumped but let him continue to see what he does. He starts licking and sucking on my neck which makes me a moaning mess.

I make eye contact with him as he slowly unzips my black shorts. He started to kiss me again and zips up my shorts. I smile in response and he goes back to my neck as he knows I'm not in the mood.

He starts to lick my neck more and more. I giggle as it starts to tickle. "Does it feels good?" He asks me with his super deep voice. (Inner Fan girl self came in.) "Mhm." I moan. I stop moaning as his teeth sink into my neck. The pleasure of his bite fills my whole body soon after.

He gently rubs my womanhood. I jump and pull him off my neck. I think about what I just did and quickly kiss him. I kiss him harder than I have ever kissed anyone. I pull away for a breather and he attacks the other side of my neck. I feel the left side of my neck heal as the other side feels amazing.

"Y-You taste so sweet!" Taehyung almost screams in joy. I jump for the third time tonight. "Why am I so scared?" I question myself and slowly hug him. "Your shaking.." He says to me. He sounds so awkward, "Why am I so scared!?" I freak out in my mind.

I get up from under him and he takes off his shirt. I grab him a black boyish shirt I just happen to have. He puts it on and I sit on top of him after he finishes. I start to feel light headed and my throat starts to burn. He looks up at me and I just feel like throwing up. "Your so beautiful Sana-Chan~~" he purrs to me.

I feel so sick

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I feel so sick.

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