A Poem with Personality

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Make your poetry personal. I mean, it already is, right? It’s thoughts, observations, deep, dark, personal feelings and stories dressed up in pretty words and oblique descriptions. You get it, and some others get it.

Still others see it as something else entirely, which is great, honestly. We have our own set of filters our lives go through, and this influences how we interpret things. It is part of what makes reading poetry fun and interesting for me.

Today, let’s make poetry really personal. Give poetry, as you write it, a name. Possibly a gender. And a personality. A poet I know has written (and continues to write) a series of poems based on this principle, and I shamelessly ripped it off (with permission, of course) and made a poem I called “Sasha.” Sasha is many things, all at the same time, yet all are Sasha/poetry to me.

So it’s your turn. Give poetry — how you view poetry, what poetry means to you, your poetry — a name. Now write a poem suits your view or vision.

My Poem:

Katharine Delilah Verity.

Pure Night Truth.

We did not like each other

When we first met.

I did not like things i didn’t understand

And you were my first challenger.

Over the years you grew on me

As i opened up to you.


You are pure and new.

Like a newborn just beginning

To understand the world around her,

just beginning to find herself.

You know your fingers are used for eatting,

Food doesn’t have to go in your mouth,

And you can taste your toes if you try.


You are dark and full of mystery.

There are still parts of yourself

You do not know.

And you’re in no hurry to figure it out.

You glid through life

Looking for contradictions in your stars

And letting them florish with your light.


You only want the truth.

You look for it in the crevises of lies,

and push through tears to accept them.

You don’t know what you’ll find,

You don’t know where it’ll be,

You just hope that when you find it,

Things will change..

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