Chapter 17 | Crystal

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Song: "Don't Deserve You" by Plumb


Crystal called out to him as she ran out the gate to the street.

With only the moon and the flashlight in her hands to light the way, she stopped and looked around, but it was impossible to find him in the darkness. The lampposts were few and far between in the community because no one needed them. They could all see well enough that there was no need for excessive street lights, but she didn't have that same luxury skill set.

Mental curses filled her head as she looked around for any clues as to where he could have disappeared to.

How could you have been so thoughtless? So stupid?

Her heart clenched as the familiar serpent of anxiety coiled around within her. Taking deep breaths, she reminded herself to stay calm as she strode forward and shone the flashlight around.

She didn't know where to look for him. She wouldn't be able to pick up his scent and track him like another werewolf. Furthermore, if he wanted to be found, he would show himself.

What if he hates you now? Your one and only mate? The one made by the Goddess to love and care for you for the rest of your life? He's been nothing but good to you and patient with all your stupid seizures and all he has ever asked of you was a chance. He's taken so much of your crap and all he wants is a chance.

The beam of her light flashed around from every bush and corner of a house as she approached the community center and the library next to it.

She paused and looked up at the buildings, remembering the first time Tiberius took off. He went to the grove on the other side of the pond behind the buildings that time. Could he have gone there again?


She whirled around, clutching at her heart and praying that she didn't have another episode there on the sidewalk.

Her former best friend, Tamarack, shielded her eyes from the flashlight with her arm.

Crystal took a step back and lowered her flashlight. "T-Tam? What are you doing out here?"

"Night patrol, duh." Tam crossed her arms over her full chest. "It's three in the morning. What are you doing out here without someone to protect you?"

Looking down, Crystal fidgeted with the flashlight. "I-I'm looking for... my mate."

Tamarack didn't have a mate. At least not yet that Crystal knew about.

"Couldn't you have waited until morning to look for him?" Tamarack asked. "I mean, you can't shift. It's pretty stupid for you to be out here after dark looking for a needle in the haystack when you don't even have a wolf to shift into."

Crystal shook her head and rubbed her arm with her free hand. "I'm not looking looking for my mate. We... I mean... I... said something... really mean to him and he just..."

Abandoned me... Like you did...

She swallowed, hanging her head as guilt slithered around her heart.

"He ran off?" Tamarack filled in and sighed. "Look, if he's upset, maybe he just wants some space?"

"Please, Tam..." Crystal said, squeezing the handle of the flashlight and hanging her head. "Please, help me find him."

I need to fix this... I need to apologize.

I need him... In some sick, twisted way, I need him...

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