Ch. 1 (Where the hell..)

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             When I woke up, everything looked so... weird. Like, TV show stuff. I let out a sigh.
             "You're getting delusional Y/N. Take a deep breath, and- AAAAAGH!?!!" I looked down at my hands. They were at least 3 shades lighter. "Ok, what the actual fuck. I've heard of black people getting lighter, but THIS is a bit extreme. I look like a..." I don't finish my sentence. Instead, I look into a puddle nearby. ... "IM A FUCKING ANIME CHARACTER?!?!??" I jump up and pinch myself, making sure I was awake. Surprisingly, I was. "Ok, there's like a 1 in a million chance it's the anime. Calm down. Just walk into a nearby town." A take a deep breath before starting towards the sounds of a town.


              When I get there, it's, surprising. I see a crowd gathered in one place, angrily buzzing. I take a shaky breath and walk up to a guy. 
              "Hey, is this a festival or something?" I say at the same time as someone else. I look over and almost faint. Of course, I squeal first. Meliodas raises an eyebrow.
               "Are you ok?"
               "Omg, I'm actually talking to you right now. This is amazing, I don't even know- YOUR HAIR LOOKS SO SOFT!" I squeal again before clearing my throat and composing myself. "Uh, hi! I'm Y/N!" I stick my hand out. He opens his mouth to speak. "Don't worry, Mel," I say with a wink, "I know who you are, your secret is safe with me."
            "You look really familiar.. would you mind  raising your shirt letting me see your back." I shrug before lifting it as Meliodas grins. "Ah, Y/N, Leopard Sin of Sarcasm. Nice to see you again. Question, how'd you get that name?"
            "Well, I kind of am really sarcastic. And my sarcasm was took seriously and someone was killed. I'd rather not get into it."

            The words spilled out of my mouth. I was surprised but I kept my composure.
            "Cool?" I raise my eyebrow and chuckle.
            "That's one way to put it."
            "Are you two dumb, this isn't is a fucking festival?! A dumb as hell Holy Knight stuck his sword in the ground-"
            "Cutting of your water flow?" I ask. He nods, squinting at me.
            "No one can get it out." Out of the corner of my eye I see a little kid run into the middle of the crowd.
           "If my friends the Eight Deadly Sins were here, they would've pulled it out by now!"
           "Meed, do NOT say their names. The Holy Knights already hate them. We do not need more curses upon us."
           "Yeah!" The crowd yells, beginning to throw rocks at the poor kid.

           "Follow me." Meliodas mutters before running to the kid and pushing him up to a tavern. I follow right behind him. We run into the front door and let the kid sit down.
           "Sir Meliodas, who is she?"
           "Ah, this is a friend of mine. Meet Y/N, the Leopard Sin of Sarcasm. Y/N, this is Princess Elizabeth." I quickly get on one knee and bow.
           "I'm sorry, I did not recognize you princess."
           "It's fine Lady Y/N-"
           "Call me Y/N." I say with a smile. She smiles back then we turn our attention to Meed. "Hey Meed, do you really know the Eight Deadly Sins?" I ask him.
           "Can I get some food first?"
           "Comin' right up!" I try to hold back a laugh as Meliodas cooks up some awful food.

           He serves it to Meed who licks his lips. Meed takes a big bite before spitting everything out.             "That's disgusting!" He yells.
           "Didn't say it'd be any good!" Meliodas says with a wide smile on his face. I look back at Meed now. "So, what do you know about the Sins?" Meliodas asks this time.
           "Your food gave me amnesia.." Meed mumbles. I chuckle. Elizabeth steps up and tells a story about her doing something when she was little. He exchanges why the village is mad at him. The whole time, I sit there, wondering where the only person that got me to blush.
           "Hey, uh Captain," he looks at me. "Where's Ban.." I say with a slight blush.
           "We're on our way to find him and the rest of the Sins." I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. I was gonna squeal but I controlled myself.
            "Can't wait to find him." I say with a smile. He smiles back at me.

TimeSkip After Meliodas Takes Out The Sword

          I walk around with Elizabeth as a barmaid. The outfit, I'll be truthful, is so much worse then it looks.
         "Ugh, it's so tight." I say, stretching out the top.
         "Hey, I'm supposed to say that." Meliodas says. I smack him in the back of the head and he chuckles before walking off. I roll my eyes before seeing Elizabeth getting upset because of Meed. I walk over and hear an old woman scolding Meed as I comfort Elizabeth.
          "Do you want me to take you to the Forest of White Dreams and leave you there?"
          "No Auntie! I'm sorry!" I butt in.
          "What's so bad about the Forest of White Dreams?"
          "It's rumored that a giant lives there!" Meed says, horrified. I rub my temples before I get an idea.
          "Captain!" Meliodas turns towards me. "They were talking about a giant in the Forest of White Dreams. Do you think it could be Diane?"

         "Yeah. Hey, where's Elizabeth?" I look around before shrugging.
         "I'll go find her." I say before heading out the front door. I see her sitting on the ground in front of the tavern. "Hey Elizabeth." I say, sitting next to her.
         "Oh, hey Y/N." She says, still looking at the stars. "They're beautiful aren't they?"
         "The stars? Yeah, definitely." I say, stargazing with her. Meliodas walks out and positions himself on the far right of us. "Hey Captain. What's up?" He doesn't say anything.
Instead, he mumbles directions like, "a little more to the left. Perfect." "Captain?" Then, I see a star getting closer until I see it isn't a star, it's a spear. Its coming full speed and Meliodas grabs it, going through multiple buildings while doing so. "CAPTAIN!" I yell, quickly getting up and sprinting to town. I get there just as he throws it back. "Captain what's going on?"
         "Holy Knights know we're here."
         "Shouldn't we stay here to protect them, Sir Meliodas?"
         "No, I think it'd be better if we left."  I nod in agreement. We all head back to the tavern.

        After everyone clears out, the tavern shakes and moves, tilting to the side.
        "HOLY SHIT!" I grab on to one of the tables as Meliodas saves Elizabeth from crashing out the door. The tavern straightens out and we begin to move.
        "Everyone get a good night's sleep. We're off to find Diane."

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