Chapter 14 (Jealousy)

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I woke up cuddled with Ban. I smiled, remembering what happened a few nights before. We made up. I'm still somewhat hurt, but maybe I'll get over it soon. I look down at him with a fond smile. His arms rest in the area where I was just laying, seeming to grasp at the air and look for me. His mouth was slightly open and the slightest bit of drool came out the side of his mouth. I giggle a little before placing a kiss on his forehead before heading downstairs. I silently summon Lia and Dalia, chuckling as I see the slight connection between their names

The leopard makes her way to me as she weaves between my legs. Dalia walks over with a knowing smile. I roll my eyes.
"Sooooo..." She smiles widely. I chuckle.
"You already know we made up. Never asked him what was on his mind though..." She nods solemnly before brightening up.
"Yeahhh, but! You guys are on good terms again! I was rooting for you two the entire time, you're so cute together!" She pinches my cheeks as Lia purrs in agreement.
"I agree with her. You two are quite cute." I smile shyly.
"Oh just, shut up and help me make breakfast. And Lia, if you don't mind, can you go hunting for some more meat? You can eat 1 out of every 5 animals you catch until you're full, mk?" She nods happily and trots out the door. 

Dalia follows me into the kitchen as we start to cook. The scent of waffles, bacon, and eggs wafts through the house. Not even a minute later, the dining room of the cabin is filled. King and Captain are basically foaming at the mouth due to the scent as Gowther breathes in deeply and sighs, seemingly content. Diane sits next to Elizabeth, who has finally gone back to flirting with Captain. Just then, Ban walks downstairs. They all immediately stop their cheerful attitudes and glare at him. I chuckle as they don't realize we made up. He looks confused as he walks over to the kitchen. They all start making a fuss as he walks up to me. He sticks his tongue out at them before giving me a back hug and kissing my neck, rocking me side to side. I smile and look up at him. Everyone's jaws drop, minus Gowther who already knew due to him reading our minds.

"Wait but- did you guys make up?!" King puffs up, stressed out and confused about what's going on. I roll my eyes.
"Noooo, he just kissed my neck and I let him do that for no reason. I'm actually quite upset right now." I chuckle as King finally relaxes with a breath. Everyone seems less tense as they smile at Ban before going back to their previous conversations. Ban looks down at me and smiles even wider.
"So, what'd you make for me, doll?" He reaches his hand for the bacon but I swat it away.
"Not yet, go sit down and wait with the rest of them." He groans and before I can stop him, he steals a piece of bacon. I glare at him and pout and he simply chuckles.

After Breakfast (During Working Hours)

I readjust my uniform as I walk around, serving customers and sending glares Ban's way every time he smirks at me and bites his lip. I sigh as I walk over to the table of guys who have been eyeing me the entire night. They all smile as I come over. I mean, yeah sure, they're cute or whatever, but Ban's hot, plus he's just better than them. I shake the thought out my head and force a smile on my face.
"What can I get for you guys?" One of the guys smiles wider.
"Maybe... you're address? Maybe then I could walk you home." His friends hit him and laugh. Ban hears and begins glaring.
"Yeah, sure. What's your actual order?" His friends pat him on the back but he tries again.
"You." He winks and I just shake my head chuckling. 'Man, if he only knew the 7-foot man who's ripped beyond measure is mine, he wouldn't be acting out.' I look behind me and see Ban's eyes narrowed as he grips his glass in his hand. Oh, the jealous type? I chuckle evilly as I work out a plan.

"Oh really now? And what makes you think you can have me?" His friends "oooh" at my response and he just chuckles.
"I mean, man. You obviously need a man who can protect you, and if you have a man he's probably a wimp. I bet I could treat you right." He flexes his muscles and his friends groan. I chuckle and push my tongue into my cheek as I see Ban inching closer to hear better. I try not to laugh as I formulate a plan.
"You know, my man just might be a weakling. He is pretty tiny, if you know what I mean." The table laughs and I can hear Ban let out a sharp breath. I look over my shoulder into his eyes and wink. He looks taken aback when he realizes I know he's there but his eyes narrow again. "Now, what do you actually want."

I take their orders over to Ban, who's manning the kitchen. I place the sheet of paper down in front of him as he glares at me. I smile widely and lean against the table slyly. I see the other table glance over out the corner of their eyes, seemingly confused. I look back over my shoulder and answer their questioning glances with a nod before pointing my head towards him. All the blood drains from their faces. I chuckle and look back at him.
"Tiny, huh? I'm a weakling with a tiny dick, really?" He pushes his tongue into the side of his mouth as he makes their drinks.
"I have no clue what you're talking about," I say, a laugh begging to be freed from my throat. He pushes their drinks towards me and slams his hands on the table. The tavern goes quiet for a second. He looks over my shoulder at them.
"What are you looking at?! Mind your fucking business!" He sneers. They quickly resume their activities. 

He leans down till he's eye level with me.
"I can't wait till our shifts are over. I'm gonna show you just how wrong you are, babydoll." I feel my face flush. I don't know what I expected to happen, but it sure as hell wasn't this.
"I didn't really mea-" He puts his finger on my lips.
"Ah ah, nope. It's too late for that sweetheart. You better put some type of soundproof spell on our room or else this entire town is gonna hear you." I shiver as I take their drinks back to them, his gaze still piercing me. The talkative guy from earlier is still pale as his friends are laughing. "Man, you're gonna get your ass beat." He nods at his friend's statement and takes their drinks. "Not as much as mine, trust me," I whisper under my breath as I make my way around, taking tips as I go. 

After The Tavern Closes

"Dalia, kimasu." I mutter and she appears in front of me laughing her ass off.
"You. Are. So. Fucked! Literally!" She starts laughing even harder.  I grumble and kick at the dust on the floor.
"That's not even the worse part. He left to go get some 'things' an hour ago and now he's upstairs in our rooooommm." I whine. Dalia laughs harder.
"Please just, leave your amulet with King for the night, I don't think I or Lia wants to hear that. And don't worry, I already soundproofed the room for you." She winks as she jumps back into the amulet. I shiver as I finally ascend the steps and knock on King's door.
"Ahh, you're finally here. Best of luck." He winks before taking my amulet and closing his door. I sigh and finally make my way over to our room. As I open the door, I'm hit with the pitch blackness of the room.

"Ban?" I don't hear an immediate response so I reach for the light switch. "EEK!" I jump back as I already feel his hand on top of it. He chuckles and flips it on. He smirks down at me before letting his eyes travel up and down my body, then across the room. I followed his eyes and my jaw dropped. A whip, blindfold, gag, and a bunch of other things laid on the bed. I squeaked as he picked me up and slams me on the bed. 
"Tonight," He leans down into my ear and whispers, "I'll make sure you remember just how big I am, just how hard I can ram into you, just how loud I can make scream. Only thing you won't remember, is your own fucking name."

Took a real big turn at the end, but I imagine Ban as the super jealous type sorry (-。-;). Anyways, I'm back babyyyy!!! I'm gonna be finishing a bunch of stories and once I do, I'll be open for requests. Finally gonna be proactive this Coronacation. Stay safe out there and wash your hands my little kittens!

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