Chapter 11 - Problems

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I woke up the next morning with a surprising optimistic feeling.

I sat up on the Inn's bed, yawning tiredly with a small stretch, today we were heading out to Floor 22, to defeat the Floor Boss. I opened my inventory, swiping down my list of gear, potions, and items. Judging by my current inventory, I was more than ready to take on the boss and what Gerin has told me, if I was ever short on potions, especially health potions, ask Meg, who was basically the healer/doctor in the group. I stared at the time, deciding to head to Klein's room. I gathered up the stuff I placed out on the desk before leaving the room and heading to Klein's. I was excited to be in a major battle, I was tired of grinding EXP, every single day, I wanted more action, I wanted adrenaline to pump through my veins.

I always got this way before a major fight, even when it was against an opponent I have yet to see or learn anything about. Because when it came to MMO or RPGS, Once you die in a boss battle with a party, you can't jump back in, you have to wait until whoever was left with the boss to finish it off. And you get no EXP. That was always a bummer that happened to me a couple of times.

But this was different, I knew that the adrenaline wasn't going to be for the thrill of the fight, but for the fear of dying in the game, and in real life.

I stopped in front of Klein's door, knocking on it.

"Klein, are you up?" I questioned through the door. I heard a heavy thing fall down and a groan of pain. Did he fall out of the bed? I opened the door, surprised to see it wasn't locked, and there he was, laying on the floor in pain with his covers and pillow. I let out a small laugh, walking over to him before crouching. I poked the back of his head, snickering to myself

"Big brother, you got some serious problems." I muttered. He groaned, cracking a eye open lazily, "Shut up..." He mumbled, snuggling further into the blankets. Sighing heavily, I grabbed hold of his blanket before roughly pulling it off of his body. He rolled over onto his other side, glaring at me


"Yes. Now, come on. Get your ass-" He gave me a dirty look, "-Butt up, we got things to do today." I corrected myself, sticking my tongue out at him childishly. He groaned one more time before sitting up, rubbing his eyes and yawning

"These beds are so uncomfortable."

"Probably because we aren't actually sleeping here." I told him matter of factly

"Stop being smart."

"Nah." I waved him off, throwing the blankets back on to the bed

"I will be downstairs getting breakfast, want me to order anything for you?"

"No, I'm good. I don't usually eat breakfast here." I nodded. Before I left the room, I leant down and ruffled his hair. I ran out before he could chase me. I walked down the steps and into the cafe part, or restaurant... Bed and Breakfast? I don't even know what to call it. I walked up to the NPC, ordering breakfast for myself and some fake coffee for Klein, at least something to fill his belly for a bit. I took a seat by one of the windows, drumming my fingers on the wooden table as I thought about what was happening back at home, in the real world.

Did they manage to find something save us? Did my whole reason of coming here succeed? Where they able to update the game? Or was Kayaba's code to strong for them to impenetrate? I couldn't know, unless I manage to get into contact tact with them like Luis did when he came back to life.

Speak of Luis, he roughly sat down in the chair in front of me, cup of water in hand

"I figured you were an early riser, where is your brother?"

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