First Encounter

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Extreme Papasuke/ overly protective parents etc...

Just saying, tho, I can't remember who all was dead and wasn't, so I may accidentally change things up a bit. Sorry, Kishimoto, I'm too lazy to look it up. If you guys know, comment it and I'll see what I can change.


"Sasuke." Sarada shook her younger father, ignoring how weird it felt to say his name like that. "Sasuke, wake up."

Sasuke's head was pounding, and there were black spots in the corner of his vision. He blinked them away, and squinted at the pretty-looking dark haired girl in front of him. Then he remembered everything. This girl was Sarada Uchiha, his future child. Who had come back in time. It was complicated, and his memory was finally coming back.

Sasuke stared at the girl. "Hey." He finally mumbled, trying to shake the sleep out of his system. "What happened?"

"You tell me." Sarada uncrossed her arms and helped him up, leading the confused Uchiha to Shisui's training room.

It was an absolute wreck. Ninja tools were splayed all over the place, and there was sand spilled all over the place from inside of the dummies that had been blown apart. Sasuke winced when he saw the familiar chidori marks along the wall, as if he'd run right along it, allowing the lightning jutsu to singe the wall.

"Who did this?" Sasuke frowned. One of the last reminders of Uchiha Shisui was now gone. Just like everything good in the world.

"You did." Sarada informed, allowing her obsidian eyes to wander over the mess. "After we all went to bed last night. Itachi-jii said he heard you and came in to stop you... he had to use a Genjutsu to knock you out. You were so mad... you were screaming things about the village, and Itachi."

She seemed distant.

"I see." Sasuke looked at his mess, then at his future daughter. He almost felt guilty for scaring her. "I scared you, didn't I?"

"No, Sasuke, I'm--"

"I'm sorry that I'm not handling this well, Sarada." Sasuke said quietly, looking at his bare feet. He felt genuinely guilty, which was strange since he didn't usually have emotions to do so. It was weird. He didn't like it at all. "You understand how odd this is for me?"

Sarada saw her father past self's guilt, and squeezed his arm supportively. Yes, she had been scared. Yes, she thought of him differently. But that wouldn't change how she thought of her actual father. He would always be her dad. "Of course, Sasuke."

Sasuke scratched behind his ear, surveying the damage. "I'm going to clean all this up later. I owe Shisui at least that. For now, I should probably talk to Itachi." Sasuke exhaled carbon dioxide, putting one of his hands on his hip, and sighing at the work he'd caused himself. It wasn't anything that some clones couldn't fix.

Sarada nodded. "You said some pretty harsh things to Itachi-jii-san." Sarada had only heard the screaming. She had been too afraid to leave her bed at that point, listening to Sasuke throw a fit. Sakura and Naruto's voices were also yelling, and you could just barely hear Itachi's calming baritone. Kakashi was there too, Sarada could feel his chakra. He was quieter than the most, but you could tell some of the things he was saying to Sasuke were only making the teenager angrier. Then there was the crashing... that was the worst. Sarada didn't get any sleep last night.

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