Summer Camp

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(Ryan's POV)

"I can't believe my parents are making me go to camp..." I mutter to myself. I get to a giant wooden sign that says, Camp Recess, in big letters. "I guess this is the place." I say to myself. I walk into the camp and to my right there were four cabins. On my left there was a giant lake and a dock. There was also a campfire with some logs around it. And in the distance I think a saw a snack stand.

"Oh hello! You must me the new camper!" A voice said. I look over and beside me was a guy about my height. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing light blue jeans and a blue shirt with a red drum on it.

"Oh, yeah, I'm Ryan." I say. "I'm Drum!" He exclaims holding out his hand. I shake it. "Welcome to Camp Recess! I'll show you around." He says.

He takes me over to the cabins. "Cabin 1, 2, and 3 are for the kids, the 4th cabin for our counselor, Thomas." He says. "I stay in cabin 1, but I'm the only one in the cabin, so you can stay with me!" He says. "Ok!" I say.

Wow, looks like I've made my first friend already.

Next he takes me over to cabin 4. Beside the cabin was a little dog house and water bowl. "You guys have a dog!?" I ask. "Huh? Oh yeah! Pup come say hi!" He says. A dog jumps out of the little dog house and sits in front of us wagging it's tail. It had golden fur, black eyes, and a red collar. "Hello pup!" I say patting his head." He licks my hand. "Arf! Arf!" He barks. "Ha ha, looks like he likes you." Drum said. "Anyways, this is Thomas's cabin." He says going up the wooden steps. I follow as he knocks on the door. "Thomas!" Drum says. No one answers. "Thomas?" He says again.

He opens the door and the councilor is sitting on the ground holding a...bell? He was stroking it softly and whispering weird things to it. Drum slowly closes the door. "Yeah.... let's leave him alone for awhile." Drum says.

He takes me over to the little snack stand I saw earlier. "This is the juice bar! They have snacks too, but there kinda stale." He says. "I pick up a pretzel and I knocked it on the counter. It left a little dent in the wood while the pretzel was unharmed. "A little stale?" I ask. He laughs. "Ok, maybe a lot." He says.

He takes me to a long building with some tables and chairs. "This is the cafeteria." He says. "Where do they cook the food?" I ask. "To be honest, I don't want to know..." He says.

Then he takes me to a little soccer field with bleachers. "This is the soccer field, we don't use it much, but I come here sometimes to relax." He says. "Cool." I say.

"Alright!" I'll show you our cabin and we can hang for a little bit!" He says. He starts to walk back to the cabins but I see a gravel path that leads through the woods."Wait what's down this path?" I ask. "Huh? Oh! Come on, I'll show ya!" He says.

We walk down and there were two different ways to go. "Which way do we go?" I ask. "This path goes to the girls camp." He says pointing to the left path. "And this path goes to the archery range." He says pointing to the path ahead of us. "Wait! wait! wait! There are girls here!?" I ask. "Yeah, Thomas doesn't like us to go over there, but the girl councilor is cool with it." He says. "Why doesnt he want us to go there?" I ask. "Not sure." He says. "Anyways, the archery range!" He says running down the path.

I follow and we end up in an open area with a few chests and weapons on racks. There were dummies positioned around a small grassy area behind the log that separated the gravel from the grass. We're not allowed to use anything without adult supervision." He says. "Ok." I say.

"So about the girls camp?" I ask. "What about it? You wanna meet someone cute?" He teased. "No! I'm just curious." I say. "Alright, since Thomas is distracted with his...bell...I think we'll be ok to visit for a little bit." He says. "Alright!" I say running down the path. When I reach the end I came to a camp just like ours but with a pink flag and a bunch of girls. Instantly a girl ran up to me.

She had black hair with a pink bow in it. She was wearing a pink dress that went down to her knees and pink tights. It looked like she had four pounds of makeup on as well. Two girls came up behind her wearing the same outfits. One girl had brown hair and the other one had blonde. They weren't wearing the same amount of makeup as the first girl was but they still had a little on.

"Hello....I'm Lily, the hottest girl here!" she said. "Girls..." She said snapping her fingers. Her two little slaves walked to Drum and they each grabbed an arm. "Your coming with us hottie." The black haired one said. They pulled him away towards cabin 3.

"Now..." Lily started. "How about introduce you to everyone!" She says grabbing my hand. She pulled me over to a few girls playing dolls. "Hey Madison, Katelyn, this never told me your name sweety." She said. "I'm Ryan." I say ignoring the fact she called me sweety.

"Hi!" Katelyn said. She had light brown hair and glossy blue eyes. She was wearing a green t-shirt with a dog face on it and jean shorts.

"H-hi." Madison said. She had brown eyes and black hair. The tips of her hair were dyed red. She was wearing a red tank top and red shorts. I think I know her favorite color...

"Ok moving on!" Lily said dragging me over to a group a girls at the campfire. There were five of them. "Hey girls, this is Ryan, he's the new guy!" Lily said. She started pointing everyone out to me.

"That's Cylee." She said pointing to a girl with black hair and green eyes. "Shelly." She said pointing to a blonde with blue eyes. "Amy and Emma." She said pointing to twins. They both had brown hair and hazel eyes. The only difference between the two was one had an A necklace and the other had an E necklace. "And finally, Krystal." She said pointing to a dirty blonde with Amber eyes. "Hi!" They all said.

"Then I notice a neko girl sitting on the dock with a cat on her lap. She had beautiful (h/c) hair and she was wearing (you choose).

"Who's that?" I say pointing to the girl. "Ugh, her? That's y/n." she said sounding disgusted. "What's wrong with her?" I ask. "She's a monster!" Lily yells in my face. "Have you ever got to know her?" I ask. "Yeah, she's aweful! You make her mad and she'll go psycho on you!"

I don't believe her. How can someone so beautiful be a monster? I walk away and ignore her pleads for me to stay. "Hey dude you ok?" Drum says walking towards me. I sawear I saw him wipe lipstick off of his cheek, but I ignored it. "Do you know who she is?" I ask pointing to the girl on the deck. "Oh yeah! That's y/n, she's really nice once you get to know her." He says. "Lily told me she's a monster." I say. "Don't believe anything she says, she just doesn't like cats." He says. "If you wanna meet her you can, she won't bite, I promise." He says walking to the deck.

As our feet hit the wood her ears perked up and she stands up. Some reason, she looked really familiar. "Hey, y/n, this is Ryan, he's new to camp!" Drum says. "Hi..." She says. Her cat jumped up and laid down on her shoulder like Pikachu would do to Ash. "Hi" I say back.

"Oh! We should probably get back to camp before the sun sets, we're not allowed to be here at night!" Drum says. "Oh ok, bye
y/n!" I say. She smiles. "Bye Ryan." The way she said my name, why does it sound so familiar?

Drum and I start to walk away as y/n sits on the deck again. "Oh I never got the cat's name!" I say. "Oh his name's Shadow, isn't he cute!?" Drum asks. "Yeah." I say. "Why does it sound so familiar...?" I whisper to myself. "Because it's also the name of the author of this book." Drum says. "Huh?" I ask.

Shadow: Drum, don't break the fourth wall!

Drum: but I was going to use a wrecking ball!

Shadow: 😾

Drum: Nevermind...

"Nothing..." He says.

We get back to our cabin and the sun started to set. We walk in our cabin and I pick the bed next to the door. "Night Ryan!" Drum says. "Night Drum..." I say. I close my eyes and think about why
y/n and Shadow sound so familiar.

T.V show? No. School? No.

Then it hits me.

The rose!
Thank you for reading my kitties!😺🐱🐈💙

Thank you _FAYEA_ for following me!

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