Official (im alive!)

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I am sooo sorry I disappeared without saying anything!!! I feel horrible. I'm sorry my kitties.😿😿😿

               (??? POV)

I thought I saw something through the trees, so I investigated. I got to a little hut with a campfire and I hid behind a tree so I wouldn't be seen by the people talking beside the fire.

"It's ok, but...can you tell me why you said it?" A voice asked. "What part?" Another voice asked. "W-when you said you loved me..." The first voice said.

I recognize those voices! It's y/n and Ryan! I look again and I see them...kissing! I almost puked, but I held it in.

No to

              (Evan's POV)

We were waiting around the campfire for Ryan and Drum to come back. Drum said he was going to make sure Ryan didn't get attacked by Lily.

"How much you guys wanna bet Ryan comes back with a black eye?" Tyler suddenly said. "5 bucks." Craig says. "C'mon guys, give te kid some hope with his lost love." David said. "I agree." I say. "Fine..." Craig and Tyler said at the same time.

Then we see Drum running back to us crying.

"Woah! Drum what happened?" Johnathan asks putting a hand on Drum's shoulder. "M-m-my little y/n is all grown up..!" He said. Right after he hugged Johnathan and sobbed on his shoulder. "Drum, what do you mean, she's all grown up?" Lui asked.

Drum let go of Johnathan and wiped away his tears.
"Shadow lead me through the forest to y/n and Ryan, they were kissing." He said. He smiled again. "My little   y/n found love!" Drum exclaimed wiping one last tear.

I look around at everyone and they all wore shocked expressions.

"By any chance, did Ryan have a black eye?" Craig suddenly asked. "No, I don't think so, why?" Drum replied.

Craig held out his hand towards Tyler and he gave Craig a 5 dollar bill.

             (Ryan's pov)

I was sad to leave y/n, but I was really excited to tell the others what happened. Plus, she wanted to go find Shadow since he disappeared while we were.....occupied....

I was walking back to camp and when I got there, everyone was talking to each other by the campfire, and for some reason, Drum's face was stained with tears and he looked super happy.

I walk over to them and everyone looks at me. "What?" I ask. Drum suddenly looked like he was going to strangle someone. He walked up to me and he put his hands on both of my shoulders.

"Listen here better treat her like she's a princess or I will look for you, I will find you...and I will kill you...." He says in a deep, scary voice. Then he burst into tears and he hugged me. "My R-Ryan is all g-grown up too!" He sobs.

"Am I missing something?" I ask as I look at the others. "You and y/n kissed." Lui said smiling.

"W-what! How'd you know?" I ask. Drum steps away from me and he smiles. "Shadow brought me to you guys when you were making out and I'm glad he did!" He says, then he looks upset. "Darn it! I wish I had my phone to take a photo..." He says.

I blush realizing he saw us. I could feel my face and ears burn. "Aww he's blushing!!" Tyler exclaimed. "S-shut, up!" I yell blushing more.

"So wait, is-is it official?" Johnathan asked. "Well, we never said anything but I guess it is..." I say smiling.

I could see Drum start to cry again. " ok?" I ask. "Both my y/n and Ryan are grown up..." He starts crying again and he hugged Johnathan. Johnathan rubbed his back to comfort him.

"Where is y/n?" David asked. "She went to the girls camp looking for Shadow." I state.

When Drum was done crying, he started talking all about how much he supports us. "Oh! And I'll be your babysitter for when you have kids!" He shouts. I blush a deep crimson.
"D-Drum! It's way too soon to be talking about that stuff!" I say. "Sorry, but I'm so excited!!! Again, you better treat her like a princess, and you better act like a prince!" He says poking me in my chest. "Ok! Ok! You don't have to lecture me about it!" I say and the others chuckled.

              (Your POV)

I was upset to leave Ryan, but I wanted to find Shadow and make sure he doesn't cause any trouble. I got to the girls camp and I seen him at the end of the deck. I step on the creaky wood and his ears perked up. He gave me a cheeky grin as walked up to him.

"What'd you do...? I cautiously ask. "Nothing, but I saw what happened...." His smile got bigger and I blushed. "Now young lady, what'd I say about boys? Hmm?" He asked. "You never said anything about boys." I say. "Oh..." He replies. "Although I'm happy for you two, if he hurts you in any way, I'll rip out his throat and feed him to the wolves!!" He yells. "Geez, over dramatic much?" I playfully say. "Maybe a little, but I'm going to have the dad talk with him!" He says running to the path.

"You don't even know what that is!" I shout running after him. "I've heard your dad talk about it!" He yells back, still running. "Don't you dare embarrass me!" I yell turning into my Neko form to run faster.

We got to the boys camp and Shadow ran straight to Ryan and he jumped at him. He landed with hid hind legs on Ryan's chest and his front paws gripping Ryan's shirt collar. He stared directly into Ryan's eyes and he started his rant while the other boys just watched, confused.

"Listen here Ryan! I know what's going on between you two, and you better treat her right! You better treat her like a queen! You better act like a gentleman! And most importantly, you better give her good kisses!" He yelled.

I look down and hang my head knowing that I won't be able to stop him until he's done. Then I remembered, they can't understand him. I stood straight and I crossed my arms with a smirk on my face as I let him finish.

"And if I find out that you hurt her in ANY way, then I'll feed you to the WOLVES!!!" He finished. He jumped off of Ryan and he proudly strut beside me with his head held high. "Hey genius, they can't understand you." I say.

His confidence fell and he hung his head. "Darn it..." He whispered. I chuckled.

"What was that about?" Lui asked. "Shadow just gave Ryan the 'dad talk'." I chuckled. "Too late dood! Already did that!" Drum said to Shadow. Shadow just rolled his eyes and smiled. "Hey, y/n?" Ryan asked. "Y-yeah?" I stutter. "Uhm... Is it....are we....official?" He asked blushing. I blushed as well and looked down. "Well, I assumed yes, if it's alright with you..." I say glancing at him. "YEAH! I mean, yeah! It's alright with me." He smiled. I smiled back. "OTP!!!" David yelled. Everyone laughed.

"The sun's going to set soon, I better go." I say. "Oh...alright." Ryan said. I give Ryan a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. "I'll see ya tomorrow Ryan, bye everyone!" I say. "I get replies of 'cya' and 'bye' as I run back down the path. When Shadow and I get to the girls camp, we go right into our cabin and I flop on my bed as Shadow jumps onto his.

"What a day..." I sigh.

Again, sorry this is out, what, like a month late? I'm so so so sorry. I'll try and update more often.😿😿😿

Thank you, marshmallowpanda2018
BrittanyNorris0, Moosecraft21fan
itz_just_me_KB, ForrgottenWriter, and Princesskitty118
for following me!


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