He knows the rose?

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Great job DjMg7294 for figuring out who the boy campers are!

Evan=Vanossgaming Johnathan=H20Delirious

                 (Your POV)

After Drum rushed Ryan away, I walked back to the end of the deck with Shadow at my heels.

"Hey Shadow?" I ask the furball. "Yeah?" He asks. "Does Ryan's name ring a bell to you at all?" I ask. "Hmmm...." He said thinking. "Don't think so, why?" He asks. "It just....sounds so familiar....but I don't know why." I say sitting cross-legged. "Your brain is probably just confused because of all the stress over that flower your obsessed with." He says stretching and laying on his back. "I'm not obsessed with it!!!" I yell. "Then tell me...what is it you do every night before you go to bed?" He asks looking at me. "I think about the rose..." I whisper. "Sorry, couldn't hear ya." He says smirking. "I THINK ABOUT THE ROSE!! Ok?" I say louder. "That's all I wanted to hear..." He says curling up on my lap.

There was a few seconds of silence before Shadow sprung up.

"I have an idea!" He yells, "Why don't Drum and Ryan have a sleepover with you! It'll keep your mind off of the rose for awhile." "Well.......ok." I give in. "Go ask him!" He says. "Fine." I say.

I go into my cabin and pull out the walkie-talkie from under my pillow.

"Drum, requesting answer, over." I say into the mic. A few seconds later he responded, "What's the question, over." "Do you and Ryan want to come over for a sleepover? Over." I say. There was silence for a while before he spoke again. "We'd love to! Over. "Alright, see ya tonight!" I say.

(Ryan's POV)

I sat on my bed, my face still red and tear-stained. Drum eventually came into the cabin and sat next to me.

"Hey dood....you ok?" He gently spoke. "No..." I whisper. "Listen, I know that you were excited because you thought it was her, but-" "NO!! I KNOW IT'S HER! Drum, you don't understand, I know it's her, maybe she just doesn't remember me!" I say jumping up off the bed. "Well....are you sure it's the same y/n?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Alright then, you need to make her remember you without making her think your crazy." He says. "Ok how do I-"

I was cut off by a familiar voice coming from under.... Drum's pillow? "Drum, requesting answer, over." I gave him a confused look when he pulled out a walkie talkie from under his pillow. "What? They don't let us have phones, but they never said anything about walkie talkies!" He said. I chuckled and he smiled.

"What's the question, over." He said. "Do you and Ryan want to come over for a sleepover? Over." She asked. Drum looked at me like he just found a pot of gold. "Dood, this is your chance! You can get closer to her and figure out a way for her to remember!" He said. "Alright, I'll go." I say. "We'd love to! Over." He says. "Alright, see ya tonight!" She says.

We wait until it's dark before we went. But first, we had to tiptoe past pup. "Do, do do do, do do do..."

Shadow: Drum, what are you doing?

Drum: Putting some action music into the story!

Shadow: This isn't an action movie! It's a romance movie!

Drum: You're no fun....

We got past pup and headed for the girls camp.

Once we got there, y/n was waiting for us outside her door. "Hurry guys! Before anyone sees you!" She whisper/yelled. We got inside and her room was amazing.

Her wood floor was covered in (f/c) carpet which was soft to the touch. There were four beds, one in each corner. Shadow was sitting on the bed on the left side of the door. She had a few drawings on the walls a sketchbook on her bed.

"Woah, nice room" I say sitting on the carpet. "Thanks!" She says smiling. "Now that we're here, what do we do?" Drum asks sitting to my right. "Hmmm...didn't think of that..." She says. "Oh! We could play truth or dare!" Drum suddenly says. "Cool with me." I say.

"Ok then, Drum, truth or dare?" Y/n asks. "I ain't a chicken! Dare!" He says jumping to his feet raising his fists on the air. "Dare ya to go ding dong ditch Lily." She says smirking. "Wait what?" He says as his fists fall to his sides. "You heard me! No going back now!" She says. Drum sighs. He walks outside and goes to the 3rd cabin. He puts his hand up to the door and looks at us as we're standing just outside the door. Y/n nods her head and Drum looks back at the door. He knocks two times and books it. He scurries up the steps and he pushes us inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Someone's scared of Lily." I tease. "Be quiet..." He says sitting back down.

We continued to play truth or dare for awhile.

"Alright! Ryan, truth or dare?"
Y/n asks. "I'll play it safe and say truth." I say. "Ok then...what's your greatest fear?" She asked. I pause and think.

My greatest fear....so what am I most scared of?

"I-im afraid I'll lose a certain someone who's important to me...someone who I used to love...wait...let me rephrase that, someone I STILL love...and always will....." I say. I look up at Drum and y/n and they're looking at me like I have three heads. "What?" I ask. "Dood....that was deep...." Drum says. "Wait...so who's the special someone?" Y/n asks. "That isn't part of the truth." I say. "Darn it!" She yells.

I yawn. "You guys wanna hit the hay?" I ask. "Sure." Y/n says. "I'm down." Drum says.

Just as I'm about to stand up, something catches my eye.

                 (Your POV)

We decided to go to bed. As me and Drum got up and stretched, Ryan pulled something out from under my bed. He had the rose in his hands and he was staring at it. Something about the way he stared at it, he looked like he was mesmerised by it.

"Ryan?" I ask. "Y-y/n..." He whispered. He now had tears starting to form. "Y/n, i-I love you! And you love me!" He shouted. I blushed, but I was confused. I mean, I do like him, but how's he know how I feel about him? "What...?" I ask, still confused. "When we were little, at daycare, I loved you, and I still do!" He says. He jumped up he was facing towards me. I look at Drum for an answer. He looks at Ryan then me, then Ryan.

"Hey Ryan, how about we go back to our cabin and you get some sleep." Drum said carefully putting the rose on my bed. "Wait no! Y/n I know it's you! You have to remember!" Ryan says. Ryan was crying alot now and Drum took him back to their cabin.

"Do you think he's ok?" I asked Shadow. "I'm not sure....but he seems to know the rose!" He says. "Yeah..." I say picking the rose up. "He said that he gave it to you when you were little...do you remember that?" He asked. "No...I don't remember anything from when I was that little...." I say. "Do you remember anything?" I ask.

He thinks for a second.

"No...don't think so." He says. "Do you think he's making it up?" He asks. "No...he doesn't seem like the guy to lie...but I never went to a daycare before!" I say. "True...but do you believe him?" He asks. " Well...no...I mean...I've never went to a daycare before...you think he just made that up so he could me my boyfriend?" I ask. "Probably, because your the best pet owner anyone could ask for!" He says. "Aww, thanks buddy." I say giving him a hug. "No problem!" He says.

               (Ryan's POV)

"You're supposed to make her remember you, not make her think your crazy!" Drum said. I still had a few tears on my face and I wiped them away. "I know, but I was hoping that would spark a memory." I say. "Well, that obviously didn't help her remember you." He says. "Then how am I supposed to make her remember?" I ask. "Hadn't thought of that yet....but for now let's get some sleep....maybe we can ask the others for help in the morning." He says. "Good idea...I'm tired..." I say.

Hope you enjoyed my kitties!😺😻🐱💙💙💙

Thank you DjMg72904, dark_vegito, and black_vegito for following me!

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