The Plan

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                (??? POV)

My plan is all set, today we are supposed to go on a little camping trip with the boys. I'll lead y/n away from everyone, and then my little plan will be put into play... Ryan WILL be mine...

              (Your POV)

I woke up to silence. I sat up and let my feet touch the cold wood. Shadow was curled up, asleep on the bed across from mine. I walked over to the door and I stepped out into the morning breeze. It was still a little dark, but I didn't feel like going back to sleep.
(Said no one ever. lol)

I was the first one awake. I stretched and I felt something rub against my leg. I freeze and look down to see the little furball that hates being alone. "Morning." I say. "Morning..." He quietly mewls.

He stretches and yawns as well. "Wanna go wake the boys up?" I ask with a smirk. "How so?" He asks smiling. "How about screaming the, 'i get no sleep cause of y'all' meme?" I ask. "Sounds good to me!" He says. That what I love about Shadow, he likes to cause trouble, and isn't afraid of the consequences.

We get to the boys camp and it was still dark. Pup heard up and he woke up with a,"Woof!" "Shhhhhh...we're going to wake the boys again." I whisper. Pup nods and gives a small bark. I stood by the fire and Shadow was at my side. Shadow and Pup laid down and over their ears with their paws. I turned my ears backwards to hopefully block some of the sound. Let the fun begin...

"I get no sleep cause of y'all'! Ya ain't never get no sleep cause of me! I get no sleep cause of y'all'! Ya ain't never get no sleep cause of me!" I sang.

Nothing... No one came out of their cabins, no one yelled for me to hush, just silence. I walk up to cabin 3 and peek in through the door window.
Tyler, Craig, and Lui were on their beds. They all had their pillows covering their ears. I ain't giving up so easily....

I run back to the campfire and I screamed louder.


Everyone came out of their cabins groaning and yelling at me to be quiet, Thomas even came out and he looked mad as well. Ryan was the only one who looked confused.

"Wake up!" I finished smirking. "Seriously!? This is the tenth time this month!" Tyler yelled at me. Everyone came around the fire still a little mad at me, but Thomas went to get ready for the day. "Why do ye always wake us up?" David asked rubbing his eyes. "Because I can." I say. Then I smirk. "I should have just woken you up with Thomas's horn." I say. "NO!!" They all yelled. I laughed then Thomas came out.

"Alright, today we're going on a camping trip into the woods with the girls. We'll be walking for about, 3? 4? Yeah, about 4 hours." He informs. We all look at him like he's crazy. "4 hours!?" I exclaim. "Yep! And, hey, shouldn't you be at the girls camp!?" Thomas said.


"Oh! Yeah!" I realize. I give Ryan a hug and a small peck on the lips, then Shadow and I were on the way to camp. "Bye Pup!" I yell running past him. He replies with a woof.

               (Time skip)

No one questioned why I was missing. Olivia said we would be going on a camping trip with the boys, like Thomas said. We met the boys and we went through the woods for a while. We soon found a pathway and we continued. "How long have- have we been going for?" Johnathan asked. "5 hours." Thomas replied. "5!? I thought you said it was going to be a 4!?" Craig said. "Eh, I was off a little." Thomas said and we continued.

Soon, Chloe began talking to Ryan and I got a little mad. I was about to walk over to her, but Drum stopped me. "Don't, you'll just get into a fight and get in trouble." He said. I nod. Soon, Avery started talking to Drum and I rolled my eyes. Shadow was perched on my shoulder looking up at the birds above us.

"Ya think I could catch one?" Shadow asked me. "You could try, but I don't think you'd get anything." I say. "Well what if I-" He stopped mid sentence and he sniffed the air. I sniffed as well and I stopped dead in my tracks. I sniffed again as the faint scent of mint filled my nose.


I look at Shadow and he looks at me. We look ahead at the other to see them a little ahead of us, no one knew we had stopped. "We can catch up with them later right? We can just follow their scent." Shadow says. "....alright, but let's hurry!" I say running through the trees. As we got closer, a new, different scent came into play.

We only ran for about ten seconds when we saw another cat.

It was pearl white with shining blue eyes. It was laying down beside the catnip plant that we were smelling.

I look at Shadow on my shoulder, his mouth was open, eyes wide, and he was blushing. I lightly push his mouth closed.

Shadow jumped off of my shoulder and he took a few steps forward. "Hello?" He asked. The white cat sprung up and faced towards us with it's head down. It started to slowly back up. "No! Wait! We won't hurt you!" Shadow said. The white cat calmed down a little, but it still looked scared. "We promise." Shadow says giving a warm smile, I smile as well. The cat raised its head and smiled.

"Hello, my name is Winter." She said. Her voice was smooth and sweet. "H-hi! My name i-is Shadow." Shadow stuttered. "It's nice to meet you Winter." I say smiling. Winter just looks at me like I'm a ghost. "Y-you can understand me?" She asks tilting her head. "Yep, I'm part cat!" I say smiling. "Cool, I've never met a human cat before." She says. She kinda tilts her head up and a look of terror strikes her face. "LOOK OUT!!" She yells, but it's too late. I feel something hard hit me in the back of the head and I fall onto my stomach. Darkness started to consume me, and the last thing I could say was, "Get... Ryan...."

             (Ryan's POV)

Chloe began talking to me and I just went with it, just because Lily is bad doesn't mean Chloe is. She didn't seem like a bad kid, she was telling me that she actually liked cats and she had a black and white one named Oreo. After a few minutes talking to her, I noticed that y/n had disappeared. I look at Drum to see him blushing while talking with Avery. Chloe was still talking to me but I stopped her. "Hold on, I want to talk with Drum." I say.

I run up to him. "Hey Drum, have you seen y/n?" I ask. "Huh?" He asks. He quickly looks around and turns back to me. "You think she got lost somehow?" He asked. "I don't know, but just in case, let's go back and look for her." I say. Chloe and Avery looked worried when I said that.

I go up to Even and I tap his shoulder. He looks at me and smiles. "Drum and I are going to find y/n and Shadow, they disappeared and we're going to look for them." I say. He nods and I run back to Drum. "Let's go." I say.

We run back down the trail. "Y/n!?" I yell. "Shadow!?" Drum yells. Then we hear a worried meow. We both stop dead in our tracks and look off the trail. Shadow was there looking at us. Then he starting meowing like crazy. "Shadow, we can't understand you." Drum says. Shadow gives one last meow and he runs into the forest. "Shadow!" I yell running after him. I could hear Drum running with me as well. Soon we stop dead in our tracks when we see y/n, on the ground, unconscious with a white cat beside her. "Y/n!" I yell running to her. I fall to my knees and I pull her onto my lap, cradling her in my arms. She had a bump on the side of her head. I felt myself start to tear up. I check her pulse, luckily, she's fine.

"Ryan, look." Drum says. I look back to see him holding a good sized rock. "Whatever happened, it wasn't and accident." He says. I nod and look back at y/n. "Please wake up soon." I whisper.

This book is going to end soon! Then I'll be writing a ask and dare book with my OC's.

Thank you Lunere32smithTanim7654RainSoulBow, and hdufhfh  for following me!


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