Together Forever💕

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Get some tissues and a soft blanket, your going to need them!


                 (??? POV)

Bullseye. I watched y/n fall to the ground. Her black witch cat ran back towards the path as the white one stayed at her side. I smirked as I quietly climbed down the tree.

I ran back to the group, no one noticed I had left. I look around and see that Drum and Ryan had disappeared. I look at Avery and Chloe to see them staring at me, fear in their eyes. I give them a threatening glare and they look down, avoiding my gaze.

I look forward at the open area that we arrived at. There were 10 tents that were already up, and a small campfire in the middle. I start to get mad knowing that my plan is ruined. No one would have notice if one of us was gone, but three? This plan is busted.

               (Your POV)

Darkness. That's all I could see. I was floating in darkness. Then it suddenly felt like I was falling. I let out a small scream. Even though it was already dark, I closed my eyes and I prepared for impact. Instead, I was met with gentle arms around me. I open my eyes to see Ryan looking down at me, smiling. I jump out of his arms, and I leap at him to give him a hug, but he disappeared. I fell to the ground with a small, "oof".

I look around again, hoping to see him again, but all that was there was darkness. I sigh and sit down while closing my eyes. Then suddenly, I feel a backpack on me and something in my arms, I also felt really small. I open my eyes to see that I'm holding my old cat plushie. I look around to see that I'm some kind of orange ball. Then I see two eyes and a mouth cut out of the hole infront of me.

Where the heck am I? I peek out of the eye holes to see a  young version of Ryan picking the pumpkin up off my head. Darkness was around me again, and I didn't have the backpack or plushie anymore. I'm so confused...why am I seeing a young Ryan? And why was I in a pumpkin?

I continue to look around me and then the darkness turned into a world of color. I was outside a daycare infront of the doors. Inside was a man pacing around looking like he was going to kill somebody. Wait this looks familiar...wait....I did used to go to a daycare! Then I hear the bushes rustle. I look over to see young me get out of the bushes followed by young Ryan.

"Oh, (y/n), wait!" Ryan says. Young me turns around and Ryan pulls out a rose from behind his back. "I found it when I hid behind the bush." He says handing it to young me. I had grabbed the stem and blushed when our hands met. I had stared at the rose in awe. "T-thank you Ryan, it's beautiful." Young me says still staring at the rose. "Your welcome" he said. His cheeks were dusted with red.

Wait...Ryan gave me the rose!? Ryan was at my daycare!?

Then Ryan and young me faded and reappeared, now walking away from the daycare together. "Thanks for helping me out back in the super hero dimension." Ryan said. "No problem." Young me says. "Well, I got to get home before my parents worry." He says. "Ok bye Ryan." Young me said hugging him as he hugged back. Then young me looked up and kissed Ryan on the lips. Everything faded to black and I start to tear up.

Memories of us started flashing around me. Us cuddling, us playing, us hugging, us kissing. All the memories we're coming back to me.

Then I was outside the daycare again. Young me stormed out of the daycare with young Ryan following. Suddenly young me turned and faced Ryan. "I wish I never met you!" Young me yelled. Ryan's expression changed to sadness as young me ran home with Shadow. Everything turned black and I fell to my knees. I put hands over my mouth and I sobbed.

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