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The other boy campers are YouTubers! They do NOT belong to me. Try to guess which YouTubers they are! Sorry if i get details about them wrong!

(Ryan's pov)

I woke up to the cry of a horn. I roll onto my back and pull my pillow over my head. I hear Drum getting out of bed and walking towards me. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." Drum said pulling the pillow off my head. I groan. Drum stays silent thinking for a moment. "If you get out of bed, I'll take you to see y/n again." He offered. Then I remembered.....the rose.

I quickly jumped out of bed and it instantly made me a little dizzy. "Geez, you really wanna see your girlfriend that bad?" He teased. I blush. "Shut up!" I say.

But wait....he's right. Wasn't she my girl when we were little? Just because she left doesn't mean we aren't together....right?

Then I remember something that breaks my heart. 


She ran outside and I followed her. She turned around and I stopped. "I wish I never met you!" She spat. My heart breaks as I realize what she'd said. She turned around and ran. I watched, tears rolling down my cheeks until she was out of sight. I fell onto my knees, shaking. The tears kept rolling until I have no tears left. I then slowly walk back home.

The next day, y/n didn't show up. I was planning on saying sorry. Then Matt walked into the room with an upset expression. That got me even more worried. "Im afraid I have some bad news....y/n moved away...." He said.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I shut my eyes tight. I curled up into a ball. There was one thing that I always said at night until I forgot about her. "I love you...."

             Flashback over

As I was thinking I didn't notice that Drum had already dragged me outside and into the line of kids facing the councilor. "Hey, you ok dude?" Drum asked me. "Y-yeah..." I stutter. "You sure? Your crying." He said with a look a worry. I put my hand up to me face and sure enough there were fresh tears. I wiped them away. "Yeah, I'm sure." I say facing Thomas.

He stared to name off the kids to see if anyone was missing.

"Muscles....creepy....squeaky...." He started. Drum rolled his eyes and sighed before going to the other end of the line and saying their real names.

"Evan...." Drum started. Evan had black hair and he looked muscular. He was wearing a red hoodie and black pants.

"Johnathan..." He continued. Jonathan had brown hair and a hockey like mask covering his entire face. He was wearing a blue hoodie and black pants.

"Lui...." He said. Lui had black hair and he was very short. He was wearing a red jacket over a white shirt and grey shorts.

"David...." He said. David was really tall and he had brown hair. He was wearing a green shirt and black pants.

"Tyler...." He said. Tyler had brown hair covered with a pig hat. He was wearing a white shirt that had a purple cat wearing a top hat on it. He was also wearing zebra pants.

"Craig...." He said. Craig had brown hair and glasses. He was wearing a grey shirt and grey pants.

(Comment if you know which YouTubers they are🐱)

"And Ryan!" He finished. Since I'm the new kid and nobody's met me yet, they all looked at me. I smiled and waved. They smiled and waved back.

"All right! Free day today!" Thomas announced. "Now to watch my he-man." He whispered walked back to his cabin. All the boys faced towards me.

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