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Sorry I never mentioned this, but in your Neko form, you have paws instead of hands🐱 don't play the music yet!

(Your POV)

My name is y/n l/n, I'm a neko. I'm shy, I have anxiety, and I'm a monster, at least, that's what everyone else says. I also have a pet black cat named Shadow. Since I'm a neko, I can do cat related things. I can jump high, see farther, hear better, smell get the idea.

I always carry this rose that's encased in in a special glass. And no, I don't carry a jar around all day. Its the type of glass people use to preserve bugs. (Idk what it's called) It's not as big as you think, only about the size of a brick. I don't know why I carry it around, I just have ever since I was little. I don't remember who gave it to me, or why I have it. All I know is that it's special to me.

I lay in my bed awake, thinking about the rose. Why is it so important to me? Who gave it to me? Why did someone give it to me? Before I came to camp, I asked my parents and my brother. My parents had no idea and my brother said someone had given it to me when I was little, but he doesn't remember who.

Shadow was on my stomach asleep. He ears flicked now and then as he dreamed. I stay in cabin 2, by myself. When I first came, I used to have a roommate, Lily. She seemed nice at the time so I made my cat ears and tail appear and showed her I was half cat. She freaked out and begged our counselor, Olivia, to stay in a different cabin. Since Lily freaked out, I decided to hide my cat side from the other campers.

The day after Lily found out I was a cat, everyone avoided me, and now and then I could hear them whisper about me. I ignored it at first, but then it got worse.


Im tired of them saying mean thongs about me! I asked Lily's henchmen, Avery and Chloe, "Why is everyone avoiding me?" They looked at each other and scoffed. Avery, the blonde haired girl said, "Freak." And they both walked away. I go and sit on one of the logs beside the campfire where a few other girls were at. All them got up and walked away when I sat down. Why do they all hate me all of a sudden!? Then Lily walks over to me.

"Hi freak!" She says. "Why does everyone hate me!? What did you do!" I yell standing up. "What do you mean? They hate you because your a monster!" She said. "No I'm not! I'm just different!" I say.

By now, the other campers we're surrounding us, watching us fight.

"I don't see why they even liked you in the first place! Your an ugly monster, and so is your cat!" She yelled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shadow with a tear in his eye, threatening to fall.

It's one thing to mess with me, but no one messes with Shadow!

I got angry and I turned into my Neko form. I heard the other campers gasp and whisper and Lily smirked. I wiped the smirk off her face, literally. I unsheathed my claws and swiped at her. She dodged it and kicked me in the stomach. I fell down clutching my stomach. Lily charged at me as I got up. She knocked me down and we rolled in the grass. I pinned her down and bared my cat teeth. I hissed at her and she screamed. She pushed me off of her and she pinned me down. She sat on my legs so I couldn't kick her. She smiled and evil grin. Then I did something I never thought I would ever do.

I bit her

I bit her arm and she screeched out of pain. Then i unclamped my jaws from her arm and let her run like the baby she is. Then I tasted the blood in my mouth. My eyes widened when I realized what I had done.

I ran, I didn't know where to, but I just ran. I ran down the path that leads to the boys camp. What was I going to do there? The boys probably already know as well. I quickly ran off the path and into the woods with Shadow trailing behind me.

Love Never Dies (ryguyrocky x reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin