New kid

709 11 14

Sorry if this chapter is short!

                  (your pov)

I hear Thomas's horn from the other side of the lake. Great, another day of being a monster. Shadow yawns and stretches before jumping off of my stomach. I sit up and stretch. "Good morning!" Shadow purrs. "Morning." I say.

I walk out of my cabin with Shadow on my shoulder, and walk over to roll call near the campfire. Olivia was standing there with the junior leader, Shelly. Olivia made sure everyone was here and announced that today was another free day.

Everyone spread out. Lily and her slaves went into their cabin, cabin 3, while the others gossiped around the campfire. I saw Madison and Katelyn grab dolls out of their cabin and start playing dolls in the grass.

I go back into my cabin and pour a good amount of dry cat food into a small bowl for Shadow. I  ate a little bit of it as well. I'm part cat, don't judge me.

What do I usually do on free days? Not much. Some days I stay in my cabin and draw, some days I meet up and hang out with Drum. What am I going to do today? Relax.

I walk over to the very end of the dock and sit down. I let my feet dangle over the edge, but not enough to get my feet wet. I turned into my Neko form and used my enhanced sight to see across the lake at the boys camp. I see some of the boys swimming near the shore while others stayed in the sand. Others were doing wierd boy things.
(no offense boy readers) Then I see Drum walk to the campfire and lay down on a log to take a nap. Guess he won't be coming for a while.

I stay in my Neko form and lay back on the warm dock, making sure I don't squish my tail. Shadow rolls over on his back and closes his eyes. I guess a cat nap wouldn't hurt, I've got nothing else to do anyways. I close my eyes and let sleep take over.

                 (Time skip)

I wake up to an unfamiliar scent. I sit up and look behind me. At the entrance to the camp was a boy. He was wearing a blue shirt with black lines on it and blue and white sleeves with a gray trim on the end. Along with dark blue pants. He also had brown hair. To be honest, he was cute....NO! He's just another idiot at this camp thats going to make fun of me.

I hang my feet over the edge of the dock and sigh. Shadow woke up and sat next to me. "What's wrong?" He asked. "New kid." I say. "That's great!" He shouts jumping up. "What do you mean? He's just going to make fun of me like all the other kids. Last thing I need is another person to hate me." I say. "Yeah, but if you make a good impression on him, maybe he'll see you as a friend!" Shadow says. "I can't, you know I'm shy, but thanks for trying bud." I say cuddling him on my lap. He purred in delight.

I look out at the lake and think. Why does he seem familiar? His scent is unknown to me, and I don't recognize him from anywhere. What am I missing?

I got snapped out of my daze when I heard the wood behind me creak. My ears perked up as I jump up and face Drum and the new kid. "Hey, y/n, this is Ryan, he's new to camp!" Drum says. "Hi..." I shyly say. Shadow jumped up and laid down on my shoulder. "Hi" Ryan says back. Now that he was up close, he looked even cuter. He had adorable brown eyes and a bright smile. A strand of his hair fell over his face and I swore I felt something tingle inside me.

"Oh! We should probably get back to our cabins before the sun sets, we're not allowed to be here at night!" Drum says. "Oh ok, bye y/n!" Ryan says. I smile knowing that he doesn't hate me. "Bye Ryan." I say.

When he and Drum left I sat back down on the dock again. "Ryan." I say. It sounded right to say it. "Ryan.....Ryan.....Ryan..." I repeated. "Does it sound familiar to you Shadow?" I ask the furball. "A little bit....but I don't know what it's from." He says.

I look up at the darkening sky and pick Shadow up. I go back inside our cabin and pull out a bag from under my bed. I reach inside and pull out the beautiful rose. I sit down on my bed and stare at it in my paws. I sigh. "Don't worry Y/n, you'll figure out the story behind it soon!" Shadow reassures me. "I guess, but how long is soon....?" I say. "However long it is, ill be with you the whole time!" He says wrapping his arms around my neck. I hug him back.

I put the rose away and lay in bed, pulling up the covers. I turn back into my human form not wanting to crush my tail in my sleep. Shadow falls asleep on the bed across from mine. I grow tired and fall asleep.

I usually dream about what the rose means, but tonight was different. I dreamt about Ryan and how cute he was. I guess I'm falling for him.

Thank you sahararestevenson, shayplayz3, and golden_peddobear for following me!

Stay adorable my kittens!😺🐱😻🐈💙

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