Chapter 20

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*Nick and Judy*

They waited and followed and waited and followed for hours. When their suspects were at the diner, the couple waited for an hour or so. When their suspects finally left, they followed them and hoped to be led to their headquarters. Instead, they were led to a shopping center where the three animals went.

Nick had suspected a robbery to take place, while Judy suspected a secret drug exchange. Either way, they watched and waited. During these hours, Nick and Judy took turns taking naps, and while Nick talked to himself while Judy slept, Judy would take notes on what the suspects looked like in every detail and what stores they had visited.

As of right now, they are both awake, and have a little more energy than before.

"So what's the first thing you're going to do once we catch them?" Nick asked, as he kept his eyes focused on the three animals inside of the restaurant they were at for lunch.

"Obviously, I'm going to kick each of them in the balls." Judy replied, nonchalantly as she did the same as Nick. "You?"

"Well, you took my idea so I guess I'll have to...Aha! Got it," he smiled proudly. "I'll pepper spray them in the eyes and then taser them. In the balls."

Judy smiles. "Nice."

"Should we say their Miranda Rights before or after?" Nick asked.

A brief moment passes before they both spoke together. "After."

Judy sighed as she leaned back against her seat. "Sadly, we'd definitely get fired if we did any of that."

"I'm sure we'll be excused," Nick assured her. "Would you still like for me to ask Chief Bogo for permission?"

"No. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Or more specifically us."

Nick chuckles then abruptly stopped. "Hey, look! They're leaving!"

Judy's head snapped over so fast that it should have broken at the speed. She watches the three mammals walk toward their car like an ancient, savage predator would look at its prey centuries ago. Once the three mammals were in the car, Judy immediately starts hers, waited for them to drive away, and followed.

"Let's hope these bastards take us to where we actually need to go."


My leg jumped up and down rapidly as I waited for Snow's friend to arrive. I didn't know who else to go to. I considered going to Snow's siblings, but I wasn't sure how they would take it. They would probably hunt my dad down and quite possibly kill him. I mean, Cheetia has a much better chance of killing him than they do--hell she could kill him the fastest too--but still. Because of her fast, swift skills, I'm hoping she can somehow help me.

I jump when a paw suddenly slams against the table, and look up to see an annoyed Cheetia. "You can't just send a text saying to meet you in a cafe and then never respond back when I ask what for. This better be good, Blackthorn."

I gulped and said nothing as I watch her sit down across from me. Her annoyed expression never changed. "Okay," I began, feeling the knots in my stomach twist. "This is good. Well actually its bad. Ugh I don't know. I-I really don't know what's going on, and this could all be a misunderstanding but..." I trailed off, not wanting to say it.

Sure, I've thought about it countless times, but I've not once spoken it out loud. Saying it out loud just makes it all too real.

"But what?" Cheetia urged. "Spit it out before I lose my patience."

I sighed then looked around the cafe to make sure no one was listening. When the coast was clear, I leaned forward and gestured for Cheetia to do the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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