Chapter 4

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Dark's POV

Oh hell yeah..This is fun. Little Anti controlled by a collar, Thank Satan.

I stared at the green haired demon, his eyes still glaring daggers at me as I drove along innocently, he stayed in his seat, I cocked my head out of habit as I noticed a drip of blood leaking from under the collar, I twitched at the weird feeling I got as I saw it, and I quickly pulled the car over, He looked at me with confusion and caution.

"Whats up with your neck?" I asked, looking over at him, he gave me a 'the fuck' look,

"A shock collar," He stated the obvious.

"No shit sherlock." I hissed, clenching my fist, I reached forward, and he winced back, I grabbed his chin and pulled him closer, tilting his head up to look at the collar, I grabbed ahold of it and moved to tug it up, He yelled out in pain and jumped back, slamming himself against the door, I looked at him, alarmed.

"D-Dont do that!" He yelled, and I felt anger flash through me.

"Dont tell me what to do." I said before grabbing him again, and examining the collar, he stared a me, and I looked at him, I put my hand on his forehead and watched his eyelids flutter closed slowly, then I sat on the middle console with his head in my lap.

I forecefully yanked the collar up, It barely budged until I put more force and it slid up his neck sickeningly slow, that's when I remembered Anti's famous slit on his throat, whoever, or he, must have put it on over it, The skin was red, irritated, and completely ruined, I couldn't get the collar unlocked, It was warded against my kind damnit...

The cut was bleeding, alot more after I tore the collar off it, I put a rag over it to stop the bleeding as I heated up my free hand, and I mean extremely hot, then removed the rag, pressing it to the wound, a soft sizzle sounded as I mended the wound, Anti flinched in his sleep, and gripped my pantleg in pain.

I finished healing the wound, and cleaned the collar off before wrapping the wound up, and slid the collar back over it. Then I took the oppertunity, after explaining some directions to Mark I slipped into Anti's mind, entering his dream, He sat in a snowy forest, there was absouletely no sound except for his quiet breathing, he was facing away from me, on his hands and knees, seeming unable to move.

"Pleasent dreams?" I teasedas I walked around infront of him, he jerked his head up to look at me.

"What did you do?! Why am I here?" He yelled, his hair messily draped over his eyes, I leant down, and brushed it out of his face.

"I dunno, your head not mine. I just put you to sleep." I explained, and he drummed his fingers on the snow under him. I watched as he sighed, and I smirked.

"Cant move?" I asked, crouching infront of him, and he looked at me, his face tinting red in embarrasment.

"I can. I the snow." He said as he clenched, and unclenched his hands. I stood,a nd walked around a bit.

"This...Is a really weird dream if you think about it, being alone in a forest, unable to move-"

"I can move damnit!"

"Then stand up, right now." I ordered, spinning on my heel, looking down at him, he looked up at me, and moved his arms above his head,

"See, moving." He hummed, and I grabbed his arm, yanking him to his feet, where he stably stood, but didn't move his feet.



"Do it."

"I can't!"

I knew it, and smirked in triumph, he huffed angrily, staring around like an angsty teenager.

"Why did you make me sleep." He murmured after awhile, able to swing one of his feet back and forth. I gazed at him, and pointed to his neck, which was wrapped, apparently he reflected his reality self as soon as possible.

"I took a look at your neck, and fixed it," I said, then continued "Who put the collar on you?" He looked at me, his green pupils shrinking for a second, then they regained, and he shook his head, tottling around a bit.

"That is none of your business." He muttered as he gazed at the trees piled with white fluffy snow, he ran his hand over his collar quietly,

"Ill be in reality, were almost there." I said, before disappearing, I reappeared in my form, forcing Mark back inside our body, god I cant wait to separate, and glanced over at Anti, who remained asleep, I gazed down the road and took a turn, Anti jolted awake, rubbing his arm, I jumped slightly.

"Jesus fuck." I murmured, and looked at him, he shruggged in response and gazed around, taking in his surroundings, I watched the road, and Anti, before pulling into the lot of a three story, abandoned building. Anti scoffed.

"Were staying here? Hoooow secure." He laughed as he climbed out of the car, leaning against it, I climbed out aswell, and rested my arms on the roof, leaning on the vehicle aswell, and looked at him.

"We can make it secure, don't worry about it Kitten." I purred teasingly, He dropped his head, was he blushing?...

(Sorry, short chapters, I suck.)

Broken, Shatterd, and Mended back together(Danti FanFic) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें