Chapter 8

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Anti's POV

My hands shot up infront of me, making a green tinted barrier infront of me, I panted, as gunshots rang out, and the barrier glitched, my gaze glanced down at the hunters standing under the tree, guns firing without a thought.

"Stop it you arseholes!" I screamed as my barrier malfunctioned, and it disappeared, my breath hitched as a searing pain erupted in my gut, I screamed out, why does this hurt so much? ive been shot before...but this hurts so much.. my mind raced, I groaned slowly as my barrier disappeared and reappeared, my hoodie turned a dark red as I bled, shouts rang out from under me as the fire ceased.

"Anti! Stay the hell awake you idiot.!" I grunted as the grip on my shoudlers, Dark was infront of me, he picked me up, I grunted and shook my head, he shushed me instantly.

"Shut the fuck up." He said as he dropped from the tree, walking through the forest quickly, it was silent except for my heavy breathing, and we walked to the car, Dark set me in the passenger and climbed into the driver, he slipped off his shirt and pressed it onto my wound.

"Hold that there." He ordered, and I nodded, pressing the fabric onto my gut. Dark sped down the road, My eyelids collapsed over my eyes, but everytime it happened, Dark shook me, not allowing me to rest my painful body.

"Why...Does it hurt so much." I groaned, gritting my teeth,

"They're anti-demon." He said, glancing my way, but continued driving. Definitely over the speed limit as we swerved around cars, my vision was blurry and my head hurt, damn this sucks ass...

"Okay." Dark grunted from beside me, I had almost forgotten he was there, we had stopped at a tall house, the one from his memories, his house. weird...

Next thing I knew, Dark was carrying me inside said house, bridal style, I dropped my head against his chest, hugging the cloth onto my midsection tightly, wait...wouldn't i die if I didn't? Don't I want that?

"No you fucker you don't, if you loosen your hold I'll beat your sorry ass." Dark hissed, I looked up at him, he was glaring as he walked into the house, and set me on a table, I winces as he set me down and he disappeared, returning with a med-kit soon after, by time he ahd came back I had dropped back laying on the table.

Everything felt numb before I felt a sharp pain, and my vision blackened. Everything was dark, I had fallen unconscious.

_timeskip to next morning_

Anti awoke slowly in a bed, he was in a bedroom, Dark was laying beside him, awake. Anti greeted him softly and tried sitting up, groaning from the pain rushing through him.

"Slow down.." Dark murmured, sitting up quickly, Anti smiled at him,

"I'm fine." He huffed softly, shaking his head,

"I couldn't mend it just yet, the bullet defaults our capabilities, so we have to wait." Dark said as he stood up, helping Anti, who was already pushing himself up off the bed.

"You need to rest." Dark protested, narrowing his eyes, Anti shook his head,

"I've been sleeping for ever. I need to walk around." Anti huffed.

"You slept for one night."

"Which was forever."

Dark wrapped his arm around Anti's waist to stabilize him as they made they're way out of the room.

(And that's where I shall end it, just cause, the chaperts might start getting this short, also, apologies for being gone so long.)

Broken, Shatterd, and Mended back together(Danti FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now