Chapter 10

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Dark's POV

After Anti fell asleep, I picked him up with a grunt, looking at his bloodstained, torn hoodie, and tugged it off of him, as well as his t-shirt underneath, and waved my hand over him to clean him of any blood,

Then I sat at the end of the bed as her cleaned up his hoodie, and fixed the tears, laying the hoodie beside him, then stood, pacing around the room.

"Nnn...Egh..Dar.k..he..l....agh.." Anti groaned in his sleep, his hand moving to the bandage on his torso every so often, his fists clenching and unclenching.

I sat down in a chair beside Anti, leaning back, sighing softly as Anti whimpered and murmured nonsense in his sleep.

I slowly shut my eyes, and began to enter Anti's head, giving Mark control, yet he just slept, as I appeared in Anti's dream.

I paused as I gazed around slowly, it was dark, thunder sounded and echoes in the sky, a strong breeze blew wildly, I spun around until I saw Anti, curled up in a ball, shaking and whimpering, I raced over immediately,

"Anti!" I barked, skidding to a stop next time him, he was glitching madly, murmuring softly, I grabbed his shoulders, he flinched and covered his face defensively.

"Anti,.. Kitten.. Come on its okay shh" I whispered, pulling the green haired demon into my arms, he clutched his hair tightly, rocking back and forth in my lap, I just held him, murmuring softly in his ear,

He calmed down after awhile, holding me quietly, but he never spoke out loud. I gazed around a bit more as the area around us calmed, I curiously glanced at him, before turning my head around to look around, wavimg my hand, as the depths of Anti's mind became exposed for me to sift through, I shrugged, and left Anti, who had curled up in a tiny ball, his eyes shut as he breathed softly,

I stood up as I gazed around, we were in that one inch of water again, but ahead was three cellblock looking doors, I approached casually, one each door was something, the first, an 'M', the second 'P' and the last 'PR'. I pushed open the 'M' door, raising my eyebrow in interest, there was cracked, old, dusty, fishbowls, cages and aquariums, filled with some shimmering, glistening liquid,

As I came closer to one, I dipped my fingertips into the majestic substance, grunting in suprise as immediately ran up my arm, and my vision blacked out.

Suddenly, I was in a memory. This room, held all of Anti's memories.

3rd POV from here on-

Jack sat in his recording room, he was just newly coming to YouTube, and people weren't that pleased yet.
Hate comments after hate comment, he groaned and cupped his face in his hands, choking out sobs, a pale hand rested on his shoulder as Anti leaned against him, "shhh its just takes time.., he murmured to his original, and continued to comfort the distressed man.

The memory ended, and a new one began almost instantly.

Anti and Jack sat next to each other on the couch in their shared home, Jack eating a cake to himself, Anti laying on the floor, wrapping paper surrounded them like a sea. Jack leaned over and picked up a mouse shaped cat toy, and tossed it, Anti grinned and sped off after it, bringing it back for Jack to throw again.

Dark grinned with a soft laugh, watching with curiosity as he continued to a new memory.

It cut to Jack, younger Jack, clutching a picture of a woman, sobbing and crying out helplessly, Anti stood nearby, looking the same as he always does, the same as when Jack is an adult, he sighed, staring again his broken original.

It ended so quickly, and Dark groaned, wondering who the woman was, then a new memory started.

Anti sat in Jack's recording room, clicking on videos he had made, finding any hate comments, and clicking their profile before climbing into the computer and disappearing, he'd return moments later, covered in blood, just to do it again, making those bastards pay for hurting Jack.
But Jack stormed into the recording room, looking at Anti with horror and anger, they fought, Anti ended up throwing things, Jack hissed a few words at him which made Anti throw the small Irishman to the wall violently, and stormed off. Anti didnt have the shock collar in any of these.

Dark was tosses back as the shimmery water seeped down his arm and back into the bowl, and a black 'Jack' misted over the liquid before fading off.

Dark widened his eyes, looking around, he'd have to come back here sometime. But for now, he walked to the door labeled 'P'

As he pushed open the door, he became confused at the theater looking room, just one row of rotting, wooden chairs, and a projection screen.

Dark walked forward slowly as he gazed at the screen as tapes began to play,

(Trigger warming from here on probably, don't want to risk upsetting any one, suicide attempts ahead.) ( also every time I do '-' it changes to a new clip)

it started showing Anti standing in front of a mirror, crying as he gazed at hos reflection, a gun raised to his temple, he fired, but nothing happened, - the next clip showed Anti at the top of a large building, and he leapt off the edge, plummeting to the street below, yet he lived - The next, he marked a calender 'day 106,' having not eaten in that many days.- the clip after that, Anti was being held against a wall, beaten brutally, the attacker clutching the remote to the collar fastened around his neck, they shocked him until he was begging, pleading, sobbing for them to stop, - the clip after that broke Dark's heart, it was Dark and Anti, talking in Dark's head, when Dark said he was just amusement for him, Dark concluded that this room, was the room of every pain Anti experienced.

It saddened him that something he had said, something stupid like that, pushed its way into this clip collection..

Dark shook his head, before walking to the roon labels 'PR', Inside was just a book, which held illustrations and descriptions on every power that was in Anti, some he knew of, some he didn't, Dark read for awhile, a interestes smirk on his face before he decided to leave Anti's mind, forcing Mark out of control as he awoke.

Broken, Shatterd, and Mended back together(Danti FanFic) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ