Chapter 11

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Anti's POV

I groaned out softly as I woke up slowly, my eyes cracking open, and squinting at the light, my head rolled to the side as I sat up slowly, looking at Dark, who was already awake, just gazing at me.

"Hi." I greeted awkwardly, and he hummed a greeting,

"How do you feel?" He asked and I shrugged,

"Like I have been shot." I said, swinging my feet to the side of the bed with a wince, Dark stood at this, and helped me up,

"Thanks, but I got this." I smiled, assuring Dark that I could very well stand, and even walk myself,  slowly though, I looked over at Dark as he began speaking,

"So. I didnt know you were cloae to Jack," he said, I froze,

"What?" I hissed.

"You heard me,"

"How the hell do you know that?" I grunted, and Dark shrugged, pausing as well.

"I looked around your mind, a bit." He said, leaning against the wall behind me.

"What else did you see?" I growled, Dark hummed

"Just memories of Jack, any...pain you've had and allllll of your powers.'' He said

"Stay the fook out of my head!" I ordered, and started down stairs, but Dark shot off the wall, snatching my arm and throwing me against the wall, one of his hands pressing against the bullet wound, his eyes temporarily going fully red.

"Do not tell me what to do." he growled, his voice wasn't Dark, it was more demonic, eviler, scarier.

3rd POV_Cause why not_

"Dark!" Anti cried out, trying to push against Dark's chest to back him up, gritting his teeth together.

"Now tell me what we don't do.." Dark growled.

Anti starex at him helplessly, "what?.." He groaned, trying to wrap his arm around himself to protect the wound.

"Don't EVER tell me what to do!" Dark spat, his voice going fully demonic, Anti flinched,

"I'm sorry.." He murmured, his green hair falling over his dulled eyes as he pressed back against the wall.

"Good Kitten.." Dark sneered, before his eyes faded to normal, and he backed up immediately, his eyes widening.

Anti leaned off the wall, breathing out shaking amd rubbing the bullet wound to try to soothe the burning pain the pressure had caused.

Anti looked up, and Dark was gone, his head whipped around, looking for him, he was nowhere in sight, whatever just happened, wasn't Dark, and he needed answers...

(Sorry to end it so short but, oh well)

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