Chapter 7

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Anti's POV

We walk back inside, and after Dark filed in I shut and locked the door without those knowing, I caught a glimpse of Paul, seething, as he glared daggers at me. I sealed all other entrances and sighed, looking at Dark, and nodded, he grinned, which reflected onto my face, and he stepped up onto a table, quieting everyone and the music.

"Hey, I hope you've enjoyed the party, but it's time to..shut down." He murmurd, and people awed and booed, I grabbed a girl and snapped her neck, giggling as people started shrieking, Dark leapt into the croud, his hand covered in black and red flames, he thrusted his fist into a man's chest, he froze and ripped his heart out, and threw it at some cowarding girls. I giggled and tackled someone, sitting on their waist and slamming my fists down on their skull, a force grabbed the back of my shirt and ripped me off, throwing me against the wall, I threw a punch at them, they did aswell, Dark was prancing around, snapping necks, tearing to people, defeating those who fought back.

My eyes lit up and I smirked, my nails turned into long knife-like things, and I peirced it into their chest, they coughed and gurled on blood, and I jerked my hand up, tearing their chest open and letting them drop, I nodded and continued on happily murdering innocent people.

Dark was currently on top of Paul, giving him a  slow, painful death. Fun fun, good good.

I flicked a severed eyeball off my fingertip, and climbed off of a woman, gazing around at all the lifeless bodies, I stepped over some giel boredly, and gazed around, Dark dropped a note on Paul's lifeless corpose, it read 'Don't fuck with me-Dark' and trotted upstairs, I watched him and walked into the kitchen, getting a drink and staring out the window, Dark walked into the room.

"Come on, we gotta go. Hunters know where we are." He said, I looked at him, and huffed.

"Cause you set out our location." I said, and he shurgged, and I followe dhim out the front door after bounding upstairs to get dressed back into my hoodie, an walked out ot the car, sliding into the passenger seat, I gazed out the front window, waiting for Dark as He put some bags he brought into the truk and climbed in, starting the car and pulling out.

We drove for awhile, just silent, boring driving, I looked at Dark,

"How many times have you done something nice for someone?" I asked, He snorted, looking at me,

"Never," He stated and I scoffed, even I had done something nice before.

"Liar, Tell me something." I whined, and stared at him.

"Don't believe me? Go in my head. See for yourself." He grunted, and I shook my head, I didn't have the powers for that, He tapped my temple.

"I know, you suck at alot of things, I can let you in, shut your eyes," He instructed, and I didsoon I felt myself feel like I was leaving my body, and I opened my eyes to see a room, with a red couch, that was it, it was just black, I looked around to see a door, and cocked my head, Dark appeared on the couch.

"Go through the door." He said, so I did, it opened to three paths, one being chained off, I walked down one of the unchained ones, curious of the chained one though. I walked down the path in silence, gazing around quietly, until a started before my eyes.

It was Mar as a child, and a woman above him, weeping heavily, I cocked my head as I stared down at them, the woman cried and cried for her baby to be brought back, that she needed him back. A dark figure stood above them and in a chilling voice it said 'I will bring him long as you raise one of my own.' It said, and the woman nodded, crying, slowly Mark began to breathe again, but a darkness resided in his body, I could tell, that scene ended and quick memories flashed, Mark and a boy, with dark eyes and slightly paler skin ran around a house, the other boy, who I could tell was Dark, trying to murder the woman, and Mark several times.

"I told you, I've never been nice." A silky voice echoed from behind me, and I spun around, Dark.

"That was jut to Mark, im still not convinced, and plus. you were nice to me."


"You got me out of Mark's house, away from those hunters. And you put up with me so far. And you cared for my neck."

"Those were all because I was bored and you amuse me." He said. I froze, 'the fuck?'...

"Because I amuse you!? So when you kissed me, that was because you were bored and I amuse you!?" I yelled, looking at him.

"Yes." He answered, I stared at him, mouth slightly agape. I disappeared from his mind instantly, Mark was driving, I forced him to slam on the brakes and I climbed out of the car, disappearing from sight. I reappeared in a forest nearby, sitting in a tree high above the ground, tapping my precious knife against my skin quietly as black dripped from my eyes. 'again?! Go away black goo!' I yelled to myself in my head.

"Anti! Come down! What happened!?" Mark had found me, somehow. I flipped him off in respose, and his expression darkened as Dark took control,

"Stop crying like a child and get the fuck down here." He grunted,

"Fuck off." I replied, and he sighed.

"The hunters are going to find you." He said, and I shrugged, "Jesus christ, fuck you then see if I care." He growled, and walked off, I curled my knees up to my chest once he left view. I sat there, thinking silently to myself as I focused on the cold metal against my skin, my gorgeous knife is my best friend, the closest thing to me.

"AntiSepticeye! Get you of the tree!" Voices yelled, and alot of ruslting was heard as hunters gathered below my tree 'damnit..' I mentally sighed as clicks sounded as they aimed their weapons at me.

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