Chapter 10

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Nathan's POV

We headed down the stairs for breakfast. Everyone going their separate ways to sit down. We spread out throughout the kitchen. Some at the island bar and some at the dining room table. North and Luke started on their morning breakfast routine. It was a positive energy since Sang woke Raven up. That was a sight to see. Who would have thought a hundred pound girl max could flip over the trained Russian and steal his gun. Then surprising us all by accepting his fruit cup that she was wary about the day before. She's starting to trust us some.

That thought process came to a stop when she asked us all to reveal some information about ourselves. It wasn't even that big of a deal it's not like she asked us to tell her our deepest darkest secrets. Just a few details about our likes and dislikes. Personally I was all in. I wanted to know about her too.

As we started off we got to Axel's answers and Marc had the coffees ready. He passed them around and I watched with some of my brothers as Sang sipped from her cup. She hummed in delight and Marc's face just lit up.

She then excused herself to the bathroom for a moment. But when she came back she had grabbed her coffee cup and headed to the pantry. We weren't sure at first why she needed it and then it all clicked. She has a drinking problem. She sauntered her way back in like she hadn't done anything out of the norm. Which was really sad. That was normal for her. We all acted as we didn't know what she had done. Even though you could smell the stench of the bourbon from across the room. Only stoic Mr. B gave away a little hit that he knew what she had done just by his facial expressions. Sang also knew he knew but chose to ignore it completely.

We continued on with answering the questions for her. They were pretty basic I thought. They didn't divulge to deep into anything. But apparently M. B didn't like the idea because when it was his turn he turned the tables on Sang and had her answer her own questions first. She seemed a little peeved at this action because he was acting like an ass. But I didn't understand why. We all knew he pined for her attention just as much as the rest of us did. It was just something about her. The mysterious shy quiet girl was now the foul mouthed badass girl. And she has caught all of our attention since we first laid eyes on her.

Sang turned the tables on Mr.B once again by answering him with her sassiness that I found so appealing.

"Ok. I'll go then you. I'm 18. Favorite color is pink. No pets my stepmother killed my cat the day I got it. Never got another one because I didn't want to take the chance of getting it killed again. But a skunk is now on my list of pets to get. I only have my half sister, Marie. I don't date. I play piano, violin, a little guitar, and sing in the shower. Your turn." Wow she's amazing. But she's challenging him again it's all little uncomfortable with all this hostility during breakfast. But she's not gonna let him back her into a corner. That much is obvious.

She wants a skunk. Gross. I don't see how her or Luke could find them so alluring. They stink and you have to bathe them all the time. So that's not happening. Realizing I zoned out I focus back on their conversation only to find Sang looking annoyed.

"Yes, my sister Marie. I almost did die once for her. Literally. Where are you going with this?" Her anger is showing threw her facial expression. Probably because she's reliving some of the past again. But I missed something so looking towards Kota I communicate, 'What'd I miss' with my eyes. His answer 'Mr.B is about to let Sang know he doesn't approve of her endangering the team. This is not gonna go well'. All that came from just a look. We've all gotten so used to talking through our silent conversations that it has become extremely easy to figure out what the other was saying without actually saying anything.

"Where are you coming from with this, Owen?" Too late he already pissed her off. Her jaw set and the sheer of his name was enough to know this wasn't going to turn out pretty. Goodbye quiet, peaceful breakfast that I was expecting to have. Good one Mr.B. Good one.

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