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junk_kookies: Nice try, it's not working

mochimin12: What are you talking about?

junk_kookies: Don't pull that shit with me, you know what I'm talking about.

mochimin12: Kookie, what's wrong with you? You've been acting strange lately.

junk_kookies: I've not, instead you're the one who's been rather an ass lately

mochimin12: what did I do?

junk_kookies: I know you're still hung up over me. That picture with Tae|
that kid, was it meant to trigger something? Let me tell you this. It's not working.

mochimin12: I thought we agreed on no hard feelings, why are you bringing our gone relationship up now? When you dated people after people after our breakup, I never complained, I never said anything but stayed by your side like the best friend I'd agreed to be with you. Why is it that when I try to move on and be happy, you become the shithead you are now? It's not fair, Kookie.

junk_kookies: What's not fair is you playing with him. Using him. I never thought of you to stoop that low, Jimin.

mochimin12: I'm not playing with him. I like him. And what do you care anyways? What if I use him, how is it your business? Stop being a dick Jungkook and leave me be.

junk_kookies: Don't hurt him, he didn't do anything.

mochimin12: I don't mean to, and besides last time I checked, I don't take orders from you anymore.

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