Twenty Six: Texts

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Louie🤔- so... the other day I was thinking.

Axel🐶- oh, no. That's never a good sign.

Louie🤔- wow, thanks. Miss you too.

Axel🐶- Well, let me have it.

Louie🤔- I accidentally bought you a ticket to Georgia, to be with me and candy. We can hang out and you're free to leave whenever, but I'd really love it if you'd come.

Axel🐶- wth Eloise??? You can't just pop something like this on me! I mean, I'm not really mad because honestly I do miss my girls...
Axel🐶- but I'll go when do I leave?

Louie🤔- OMG REALLY???
Louie🤔- your flight is early Thursday morning, with candy, omg I'm so happy!

Axel🐶- that's all I've ever wanted from you Louie.
Axel🐶- I'll see you soon, I've been missing your smile.


Louie🤔- it's from a couple days ago, but I want you to be happy too.

Axel🐶- god, I really do miss you, it did make me happy, thanks Louie.

Louie🤔- you being happy is all I've ever wanted too Axel, I have to go but I can't wait to see two of my favorite people. 💕

Axel🐶- I can't wait either. 💕

Pretty Illusion // Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now